
How long can the countdown to the fall of the capital and the comprehensive inventory of Ukraine's war potential last?

author:Eternal Light shadow

1. War potential: Russia vs Ukraine

Land area: Russia 17.098 million square kilometers, Ukraine 600,000 square kilometers (control area of more than 500,000).

Population: 146 million in Russia, 43.3 million in Ukraine.

Total GDP: $1.55 trillion in Russia, $165 billion in Ukraine.

Defense budget: $60 billion for Russia, $12 billion for Ukraine.

Active forces: 1.014 million in Russia, 200,000 in Ukraine.

Reserves: 2 million in Russia, 250,000 in Ukraine.

Paramilitary: 250,000 in Russia, 100,000 in Ukraine.

In the case of a general mobilization of the whole country, the number of Ukrainians is as follows: almost 30 million people.

Ukraine between 15 and 64 years of age: 29,954,667 (14,325,372 males / 15,629,294 females).

How long can the countdown to the fall of the capital and the comprehensive inventory of Ukraine's war potential last?

2. Military equipment: Russia vs Ukraine

Number of tanks: 12,400 in Russia (2,850 in active service, 9,500 in reserve), 2,596 in Ukraine (1,100 in active service, 1,500 in reserve).

Infantry fighting vehicles: 12,600 in Russia and 2,400 in Ukraine.

Armored personnel carriers: 13,000 in Russia and 1,255 in Ukraine.

Other models of armored vehicles: 5500 in Russia and 8600 in Ukraine.

Towed artillery: 7,500 in Russia, 2,000 in Ukraine.

Multiple rocket launchers: 3400 in Russia, 500 in Ukraine.

Self-propelled guns: 6600 in Russia, 1067 in Ukraine.

Total number of fighters: 1032 in Russia and 69 in Ukraine (few are left now).

Total number of helicopters: 1540 in Russia (544 in The Armed Forces), 112 in Ukraine (34 in the Armed Forces).

Number of airports: 1218 in Russia, 187 in Ukraine.

Surface ships: Because the Ukrainian Navy has been completely destroyed, only Russia's strength is counted.

Russian Navy: 1 aircraft carrier, 19 frigates, 77 corvettes, 22 conventional submarines, 36 nuclear submarines, 49 mine boats, 59 patrol boats, 40 landing craft, 21 landing ships, 3673 merchant ships.

Nuclear arsenal: 6450 russians, 0 ukrainians.

How long can the countdown to the fall of the capital and the comprehensive inventory of Ukraine's war potential last?

3. Military resources: Russia vs Ukraine

Oil production per day: Russia 10.76 million barrels, Ukraine 32,000 barrels.

Oil consumption per day: 3.32 million barrels in Russia and 230,000 barrels in Ukraine.

Military strength:

(1) Russia

Russia has the world's largest defense industry system, covering aviation, shipbuilding, air and space defense and missiles, nuclear weapons, armored vehicles, electronic systems and many other fields, the aviation industry alone, has more than a dozen aircraft manufacturing enterprises, can produce from fighter jets, strategic bombers, transport aircraft to aero engines and other full range of products.

Russia has 6 major military industrial groups: the United Aviation Manufacturing Group (which produces military aircraft), the United Shipbuilding Group (which produces combat ships), the "Russian Technology" state group (which produces ammunition, missiles, engines), the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation (which produces nuclear weapons), the Diamond-Aetna Aerospace Defense Group (which mainly produces anti-aircraft missiles), and the tactical missile weapons group (which mainly produces offensive missiles).

Russia's military enterprises, can produce a full range of military equipment, can be self-sufficient, Russian fighters, missiles, tanks and armored vehicles are at the world's advanced level, military resources are abundant.

(2) Ukraine

Ukraine is the second largest military industrial base within the Soviet Union after Russia, and its military industry accounts for nearly one-third of the entire Soviet Union's defense potential. Many of the country's heavy weapons during the Soviet period, such as all aircraft carriers, giant strategic transport aircraft, a large number of tanks, and surface-to-air missiles and strategic missiles, were produced in Ukraine.

However, after the independence of Ukraine, due to the loss of the CIS market, most of the military factories fell, fighters, helicopters, ships can not be produced, now can only produce some tanks, armored vehicles, javelin anti-tank missiles, etc., but undoubtedly do not have the ability to dominate the air.

How long can the countdown to the fall of the capital and the comprehensive inventory of Ukraine's war potential last?

Even so, Ukrainian military factories are densely distributed in the eastern region. Now the Russian invasion has left many of Ukraine's armaments factories without their last production bases.

Therefore, Ukraine has lost the ability to continue to support military operations, and to resist, it can only rely on European and American military support, but the cost of such support is enormous.

4. Troop layout: Russia vs Ukraine

(1) The main force of Ukraine is in the west of donbass: of which the frontal front of the Donbass region is the main force, these main forces belong to the Eastern Military Region of Ukraine, with a total strength of about 70,000 troops, 8 heavily and lightly armed mechanized brigades, and about 600 tanks.

The ace unit is the Independent Tank 17th Brigade, equipped with state-of-the-art T-84 and T-64 tanks, and with a Turkish-made standard-bearer- TB drone, the brigade has been fighting for many years and has a strong will to fight.

In the eastern theater of Ukraine, the western military district and the southern military region of Russia were jointly strangled, and there were 110,000 local armed forces in Donetsk and Luhansk alone, and no less than 300,000 people in the two military regions of the Russian army.

(2) Kharkov direction: This direction is less staffed, and the independent aircraft infantry 72nd Brigade and the 61st Column Brigade are deployed, with the independent air defense 1039th Regiment, with a total strength of about 10,000 people. Their mission is to protect Ukrainian companies such as the tank and military industries.

The enemy in front of them was Russia's Western Military District, which mainly had 2 army groups, the 1st Tank Army of the Guards, the 20th Army of the Guards Red Banner, and 2 groups of more than 100,000 people, and it was estimated that the Ukrainian defenders were doomed.

How long can the countdown to the fall of the capital and the comprehensive inventory of Ukraine's war potential last?

(3) Crimean direction: This direction has more troops, mainly 8 brigades, the 28th Independent Aircraft Infantry Brigade, the 56th, 57th and 59th Independent Motor Rifle Brigade, the 40th Independent Artillery Brigade, the 208th Air Defense Brigade, the Independent 79th and 80th Air Mobile Brigades, with a number of about 30,000 people, and the main task is to prevent the Russian Crimean Independent Force Cluster (Group Specification) from going north and encircling the Ukrainian army in the Donbass area.

The enemy in front of them, the Crimean Independent Force cluster, numbered about 40,000 people. In addition, there was the 810th Brigade of the Continental War, which belonged to the Russian Southern Military District.

(4) Direction of Odessa: Guarded by the Southern Military District of Ukraine, there are 1 tank battalion, 14 machine infantry battalions, weaker troops, responsible for guarding the city of Odessa, as well as preventing Russian landings.

However, there are more than 2,000 pro-Russian militants in Odessa, and the area has been raided by the superior Russian navy, the Ukrainian navy has lost its combat capability, and the Russian army has gained air supremacy and landed successfully, controlling the Ukrainian sea connection.

(5) Kiev direction: Responsible for Kiev and the northern defense zone is the Northern Ukrainian Military District, with a number of about 70,000 people, accounting for one-third of the total army strength. The main trump card was the 8th Army.

The Northern Military District consists of the 1st Independent Tank Brigade, the 30th Mechanized Brigade, the 72nd Independent Mechanized Brigade, the 26th Artillery Brigade, the 27th Rocket Artillery Regiment, the 95th Independent Air Mobile Brigade, the 1129th Air Defense Regiment, the 169th Army Training Center, and the 28th Independent Air Mobile Battalion.

The main task of the military region is to defend the direction of Belarus and the western military district of Russia, but at present, the Russian army has penetrated into the outskirts of Kiev, and it seems that the Russian army has occupied the numerical superiority and combat superiority. Or the combat effectiveness of the northern ukrainian military district is not good, allowing the Russian army to drive straight in.

How long can the countdown to the fall of the capital and the comprehensive inventory of Ukraine's war potential last?

In summary: Ukraine's war potential and potential strength and combat strength are too big a gap with the Russian army, at least a gap of 10:1, a world of difference. Moreover, Ukraine's military industry is in the eastern region, and after being targeted by the Russian army, it has lost the equipment supply capacity for continuous combat and can only rely on foreign aid.

Although the West has recently accelerated the supply of rifles, anti-tank missiles, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles and other weapons to Ukraine, they are generally individual combat weapons and have a very limited role in blocking the torrent of Russian armor.

More importantly, Ukraine is basically a plain area, after losing air supremacy, the Ukrainian army can not resist the steel torrent of the Russian army, and its tanks and armored vehicles are suppressed by the Russian army's military command, as long as Putin is resolute enough, the collapse of the Ukrainian large army is inevitable.

Unless it is broken up and fragmented, into urban street warfare and guerrilla warfare in the countryside, it may be necessary to face the courage to fight in isolation.

At present, about 30,000 Chechen troops have been deployed near Kiev, and may have to fight for the vanguard of street battles, Zelenskiy has issued more than 10,000 rifles to the people, and if the troops of the Northern Military District cannot withstand the attack of Chechen troops, the untrained militia can only choose suicide attacks, but Kiev seems to have entered the countdown to the fall.

How long will the whole territory of Ukraine last?

It depends on whether President Zelenskiy can be beheaded by the Russian army, he has been listed by the Russian army as the number one target, if Zelenskiy can live, the armed forces do not collapse, it took 2 months before the German army invaded Kiev and occupied.

Therefore, looking at the effectiveness of the Kiev defensive battle, if it is taken within 3-5 days, then the Russian army will encircle the north and south of the iron wall, will be in central Ukraine, annihilate the main forces of the southern military region and the northern military region of Ukraine, and then clean up the western military region of Ukraine, and it will not take 2 months to occupy the whole territory of Ukraine!

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