
A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

Once the sports superstars come to the top, they are also stars, their influence is huge, and the coverage is very wide. Taking photos with them is not only ordinary people, but probably celebrities like them, and these photos are precious. And today's sports group photos, it is impossible to copy, each is a story, will always evoke people's memories.

A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

Sunland's fall is a pain for many people, she was ruined by injuries. Although he can't live like a normal person, Sunland's optimistic attitude has really affected many people. When Sunland was hospitalized with an injury, she was asked which star she liked, and she replied that it was Leonardo. Just the night before the transfer, Leonardo took only one bodyguard with him to visit Sunland at the hospital. It seems that Xiao Lizi is not only handsome, but also very kind at heart.

A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

Who O'Neill is hugging, it is estimated that many young people do not know, he is the former world's richest man Bill Gates. It's really surprising that a big guy like Bill Gates can be held by a bear like O'Neill. Don't look at Bill Gates is also more than 100 pounds, in the hands of O'Neal is really small, can hold the world's richest man like this, O'Neill was already a winner in life at that moment.

A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

Two of the world's greatest "MJs", one is Michael Jordan and the other is Michael Jackson. A basketball god, a pop king, their influence in the two worlds of style, it is difficult for anyone to surpass. This time they shot the MV, and the two "MJs" played heads-ups. It's better to say that Jordan taught playing and Jackson taught dancing.

A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

Now, because of the influence of the "rice circle" culture, many domestic commentators are very restrained, and they dare not express their true thoughts. In the previous Zhang Weiping guidance, although we all know that he is Kemi, his explanation really has a personality and is impressive. Zhang was also a basketball player when he was young, and his group photo with the basketball emperor Chamberlain is estimated that many people have not seen it. Zhang Weiping, who is 1 meter 93, is really small in front of Chamberlain.

A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

Abdul-Jabbar is the NBA's all-time leading scorer, and his influence in the NBA is huge, especially the "sky hook" stunt has been imitated. Bruce Lee, on the other hand, is a martial artist who has influenced the world, and his understanding of martial arts is really decades ahead. These two gods also intersected, and when filming the film, they also compared the arm span together, so it seems that Bruce Lee's arm span is still very good.

A precious group photo that the sports world can't replicate! Little Plum visits Samran Jabbar and Bruce Lee with an arm span

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