
Turn it off when driving, it is called the "fuel consumer" on the car, and can steal 25% of the oil

It can be seen that with the progress of the times and the development of the economy, the price of oil is rising at a rate that we can see. Therefore, when many car owners buy a car, they will consider buying that car, but cars with low fuel consumption are rare in the market, and generally later owners transform themselves. In addition, mainland emission standards for vehicles are becoming more and more stringent. Therefore, many auto companies want to develop new fuel-efficient vehicles. As a result, many companies have turned gasoline-using cars into charging cars, and everyone can see this charging car in the market.

Turn it off when driving, it is called the "fuel consumer" on the car, and can steal 25% of the oil

There is another way to save gasoline. That's the automatic stop function of the engine on many new cars. The significance of the cleaning function is to reduce the use of gasoline and increase fuel consumption by automatically extinguishing the fire and automatically starting the two processes. In other words, if a car is in motion and needs to stop the car temporarily, it will slam on the brakes. At this point, if the engine is automatically shut down, the brakes are released, and the accelerator is pressed, the engine will automatically start, consuming a lot of gasoline in the process. However, some veteran drivers say, "Please turn off while driving." That's a veritable "fuel consumption" that can steal 25% of the oil.

Turn it off when driving, it is called the "fuel consumer" on the car, and can steal 25% of the oil

At this time, many owners have doubts. The first manufacturer said that this feature could save them a lot of gasoline, why did it save so much fuel in the end? In fact, this automatic shutdown function was originally designed to reduce fuel consumption, but in the actual process, it did not play a role in improving fuel consumption, but on the contrary, it became the opposite of the original super fuel consumption function. In fact, many car owners use the automatic shutdown function, compare the automatic shutdown function on and off, and finally found that when the automatic shutdown function is closed, it can save more oil than opening. So after you buy a car, you can turn off this function yourself. As a result, we will find that the consumption of gasoline is greatly reduced. Therefore, this function is actually very chicken ribs, not only the fuel consumption has not decreased, but frequent start and stop, affecting the driving mood.

So why does this start-stop function consume so much gasoline? The first is the engine, if you turn on this start-stop function, each stop will frequently increase the wear of the engine, but also lead to gasoline consumption. In addition, due to the frequent use of this power generation stop function, various components of the car have been damaged. In addition, if you encounter a traffic jam like traffic jam, the wear will be very serious, and frequent start-up will shorten the life of the car battery. In addition, this feature should avoid using the car on the uphill slope. Because if you use this start-stop function on the uphill slope, the automatic start-stop of the car is not more convenient than manual start-up, and it is very easy to squeeze the danger of the car.

Turn it off when driving, it is called the "fuel consumer" on the car, and can steal 25% of the oil

In summary, if you encounter rush hour when driving, triggering the parking function in the event of a traffic jam should be able to be used frequently. The starting function of repeatedly starting and stopping the car will make the loss of parts in the car very serious. In addition, when you turn on the air conditioner, it is best not to use this power generation function. The reason why I say this is because if you use this start-stop function, after the engine is stopped, the air conditioner will be turned off, and the air conditioner will remain on until the engine is restarted, which is not good for the life of the air conditioner. The final start-stop function can be used as long as it is the usual weather, but it should never be used on rainy or rainy days. Because if you use the start-stop function on a rainy day, there will be water on the road, and even a little bit of the engine may stop. After shutting down the engine, the engine will soon start again, at which point the engine may be flooded and overhauled. Also, in this case, if the car engine damage is serious, the insurance company will not actually settle the claim. In this process, all losses can only be borne by yourself, so it is recommended not to use the start-stop function at this time.

Turn it off when driving, it is called the "fuel consumer" on the car, and can steal 25% of the oil

Summary: Whether the start-stop function is used or not mainly depends on whether the car is adapted to the start-stop function. However, never on a rainy day or rainy day. Please use this start-stop function. Not a good thing for any owner. If you think this start-stop function is convenient, it can actually be used normally. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety problems in use and the consumption of oil.

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