
What else do you eat in the spring when you eat houttuynia cordata?

Recently, a woman from Guilin, Guangxi Province, went to the hospital for unexplained abdominal distention and nausea. The woman said that she had been bloating and paining in her upper abdomen for some time, and had tried to treat it with the earthwork of "cupping", but it did not work.

What else do you eat in the spring when you eat houttuynia cordata?

After the doctor's treatment through ERCP, he found a fish-like parasite from the woman's body, about 3.5 X 2.0 cm in size. According to the comprehensive judgment of many experts, the parasite is a giant flake-shaped fluke of the liver. The woman's liver had been eaten by a third of the giant flakes of the liver, and the internal and external bile ducts were also damaged. After understanding the characteristics of the parasite, the doctor targeted the patient, and the woman's symptoms have improved significantly. According to reports, there are currently two similar cases in Guangxi, and the patients have eaten cold and mixed raw fishy grass. Liver giant flakes of trematodes eggs tend to adhere to houttuynia cordata.

What else do you eat in the spring when you eat houttuynia cordata?

Press photos

What is ERCP? ERCP, the full name of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, with the assistance of X-ray, uses endoscopy to find the nipple of the pancreatic bile duct opening in the duodenum, insert the catheter, and inject contrast agent for pancreatic bile duct imaging. The ERCP's endoscope is a special hose, about the thickness of a finger. ERCP is mainly used for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases, with the advantage of small trauma and fast postoperative recovery. Clinical indications include: pancreatic bile duct stones, acute purulent cholangitis, biliary pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice unexplained, pancreatic bile duct parasite infection, suspected pancreatic or biliary tract tumors, etc.

What else do you eat in the spring when you eat houttuynia cordata?

ERCP schematic

How do we avoid parasitic infections in our daily lives? Be sure to remember: the disease comes from the mouth. Food must be thoroughly cooked before eating, do not eat raw freshwater fish; cut raw food cutting cutting board, knife should be separated; do not drink river water, well water, tap water boiled and then drunk; at the same time pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently.

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