
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly

【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly

On the banks of the Yaqian River, the songs of red and white plums gradually became louder, and there were more egrets on the river.

【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly

The egret is beautiful. Beautiful and clean, clear. As long as you don't make a sound, you are a special creature of heaven and earth, a spirit by the water. A sound, like two or eight petite women, holding an iron plate pipa, singing the big river to the east, the waves are exhausted...

The Song poet Qiu Kui has a poem, "The birds have no such qualities, and the jade stands in one body." Qing is like a Zen guest, and he is like a valley man. "The egret has slender legs and a long neck, and it stands tall, just like a poet." Qiu Kui is a hermit and a practitioner of Zhu Zi Rigaku. The egret is a hermit by the water's edge, practicing river fish taste.

【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly

Zhang Zhihe has a word, "Egret flying in front of Xisai Mountain, peach blossom flowing water mandarin fish fat." "The hermit does not cut valleys, and where there are egrets, there should be river fish, loach, yellow eels. The peach blossoms flowed, about the spring was already very deep, and the egrets flew up, like a small order. Stinky mandarin fish is a good thing, and the egret should not love it, people love it. The impression of the stinky mandarin fish, once in Huangshan, once in Qianshan. The time in Qianshan was particularly profound, and the people who accompanied him poured stinky mandarin fish juice into rice, saying that the flavor was peculiar and rare in the world.

The egrets were in the yaqian river, on the rocks, on the sandbanks, playing, chasing, and playing with their reflections. There's a lot of time, waste.

People are the same, there is a lot of time, in the spring, look at the water to see the mountains to see the flowers bloom, and the lotus hoe makes the plough plant busy. The sun shines on the body, shines on the surface of the water, and the taste of spring is already beautiful.

I look at the egrets, they don't look at me.

【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly

Five egrets, sometimes four, juggling on the sandbar, one far away, stood on the dam. Sometimes, one flaps its wings again and flies low. Sometimes I craned my neck and dreamed about it. I always feel that they are monitoring the movements of the fish, white clothes are better than snow, posture is dancing, and finally there will be a food and clothing.

Bai Pu has a scattered song, "Although there is no neck sex, but there are forgotten friends, order the Autumn River Egret Sand Gull." Proud of the murder of thousands of households, illiterate smoke wave fishing. "The fishing people are illiterate, the egrets are illiterate, and the plum blossoms that bloom just right on the shore are illiterate, but they all have their own demeanor.

Spring is full of spring, and everything that is illiterate has grace.

【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly
【Spring Return】Spring to egret fly

Reporter | Liu Hanhua

Editor-in-charge | Cheng Xiawei edited the | Liu Qian

Organizer | Yuexi County Rong Media Center

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