
Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style

Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style

Recently, the Beijing Winter Olympics set off a national upsurge, and students recorded the Winter Olympics in a hand-drawn way, expressed their love for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and carried forward the spirit of the Winter Olympics.

A piece of white paper, a few ink pens, a pen at will, a random draw. "I have always been very concerned about the Winter Olympics, and as an architecture student, I have paid attention to Xue Ruyi, a building that perfectly combines ancient Chinese intentions and use functions. It blends into the landscape like Chinese ink painting, and I would love to record it with my brush to let more people know the charm of architecture. Li Kaichun, a 1902 class of architecture majors, said of his work.

Changsha University of Science and Technology School of Architecture Urban and Rural Planning 1801 Ban Luo Ziyue said: "Gu Ailing won the championship, Su Yiming won the championship, on the Shougang big jump, the Chinese team won a number of gold medals. While watching the competition, seeing the athletes soaring into the sky, I finally understood the connotation of the jumping platform building - leaping and breaking through. The architect's grasp of functional form was at its peak, and I decided to paint it with my understanding and expertise. ”

The "Snow Ruyi" embedded in the snow fields of LinHai, the "Snow Flying Swallow" that is like a surprise and fluttering wings, the "Ice Ribbon" that is flexible and flowing, and the "Ice Diamond Flower" in the interlacing of light and shadow... One by one, the Winter Olympic venues jumped on the paper under the unique creativity of the students, and the venues integrated ink and reflected with the blue sky, showing a different style.

It is understood that hand painting is a compulsory course for architecture students, which conveys the feelings of architectural space through hand painting and realizes contact and appreciation across time and space. (Author: Wang Yulin, Huang Hao, reporter Zhang Xiaorong)

Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style
Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style
Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style
Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style
Students hand-painted records the Winter Olympics venues blend with ink to show a different style

Source: Guangming Network

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