
What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?

In the past two years, the salary of The Chinese men's football team has become a focus of debate, ninety-nine percent of people believe that the national football salary is too high, and the ability is low, the salary and ability are too different, the people of the country 1.4 billion people strongly demand a salary cut, and now the Football Association responds to everyone's call, Wuhan team and Guangzhou Evergrande are also responding to the call of the Football Association to reduce salaries, so what is the impact of the salary cut on the players?

What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?

I believe everyone knows the matter of Arthur Junmin and Huang Zichang asking for a salary! Wuhan team is really poor, they also have a reason, that is, they hope that all players will have a salary cut, only by signing a new contract, they can make up for the salary they owed before, this move is also to prepare for the salary cut, in addition to the Wuhan team, there is Guangzhou Evergrande, they cut their salary more fiercely, to what extent?

What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?

Guangzhou Evergrande only issued a notice, that is, this year's highest salary of the team is 600,000, before the salary cut Zhang Linpeng's annual salary is 18.6 million, the current salary is not enough, it can be seen that the player salary has dropped to the extreme, the club has no way, after all, the team has no money, want to earn a high salary, either leave, or stay in the ocean, so after the salary cut, how much impact on the players?

What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?

Of course, there is an impact, the previous annual income of tens of millions, now only 600,000, this is still pre-tax income, after tax may only be about 400,000, for small players, or high salary, but for Zhang Linpeng, Wei Shihao, these teams are absolutely the main force, this salary has been unable to support the family, some people will say that they earned high salaries in previous years, the impact on their lives is not large, but these players have a common disease, that is, when earning high salaries, they like to spend money lavishly, basically do not like to save money, When they have money, they buy luxury cars and mansions, buy luxury goods, and now the wallet has shrunk seriously, and their income is certainly not able to support the mansion and luxury car, the most important thing is that most of these players' wives and girlfriends are models and flight attendants, to support these beautiful women who spend money like dung, relying on the player's current salary, there may be many players divorced and broken up in the future, they will not suffer with these players, and the possibility of being abandoned is extremely high.

What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?
What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?
What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?
What are the impacts on players after the pay cut? Can they still drive luxury cars?

Huang Qiang said that after the players cut their salaries, it will have a great impact on the players, they will have great emotions on the court, either they will be more desperate, or they will not want to play football and become a walking emperor, but they are in order to live, in order to raise luxury cars and mansions, can they not be desperate? These players have not even read primary school, they can't read big characters, you let them go into the assembly line to play screws, are they willing? You let them go to the construction site to move bricks, are they willing? Maybe there will be a lot of player wives and girlfriends in the back who will abandon them, for this kind of news, I believe everyone should not get used to it, after the salary cut, who is the first player to be a wife and girlfriend?

This article is the author Huang Qiang's original article on sports, refuse to reprint, violators will be investigated! The image material comes from the network, if there is any inappropriate, please contact the author to delete!

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