
DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

Due to the hanbok "test suit" maintenance for 1 week delayed in serving, coupled with the fermentation of the GM incident, the 800W warriors became more and more grumpy, Melvin is also very uncomfortable, "Yin Mingzhen" You are helping ah! But where the 110 level content is all online, the players' attention will also be diverted, and "Yin Mingzhen" has indeed moved, the first round of 110 level warm-up plot has been launched on the official website of Hanbok, there is a content that is very eye-catching, that is, "female blue fist", the news that has been spread for many years will come true.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

After the archers, the female blue fist also appeared!

1 week ago, "Yin Mingzhen" first released the news about the 110 level update trend, revealing the source of the Bakar regiment, and the "archer" design blueprint posted in the middle of the way made people think of it, because it contains the archer's weapons and "character icons", the adventure group interface can be viewed, the ghost swordsman and the night messenger have their own "character icons", so the archer can be confirmed as a new character, but the launch time may be early, after all, 1 character has at least 4 classes.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

And 1 week later, the official website of Hanbok released the second news, the 110-level warm-up plot "Ep1. Split Heart", "calculation formula" has been translated, for the warrior who does not understand the plot can explain in one sentence, the national costume appeared a new NPC "Female Blue Fist", or Teda Master, in short, the Blue Fist Saint Envoy (female) officially joined Arad, is the "Female Blue Fist" profession going to be earlier than the "Archer" online. Didn't it say that the good "Divine Fist is passed on to men and not to women"? These words have been circulating in the national service for many years.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

2 news about "Female Blue Fist"!

[1, Hanbok inner ghost has been exposed half a year ago] The cause is that Hanbok did not update the "blade shadow" when the "inner ghost" revealed the character name in advance, follow-up and the order of professional balance, etc., Hanbok later also internally investigated for several months, when the "inner ghost" frankly said that the follow-up to update a bunch of 5th class, one of which is the female blue fist, but "Yin Mingzhen" is estimated to avoid suspicion, and then decided to let the "alloy warrior" go online first. Facts have also proved that the popularity of the "alloy warrior" in a hurry is indeed too low.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

[2, the first appearance of female blue fist is in the 3D version of the dungeon] If the "archer" only has an abstract design blueprint, then the "female blue fist" has even done the skill, damage, appearance are done, in the 3D version of the dungeon promotional film 4 years ago, there is a scene of "female blue fist" fighting with the elite monster.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

The skill is a bit cool, and even with the "Saiyan" special effect, the whole body is shocked, the combat effectiveness is greatly increased, the specific GIF is shown as follows, XuXu baby is afraid to shout after watching: I hope to give me a red eye also a whole.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

Unfortunately, the 3D version of the dungeon was later heard from, because the first promotional film was ridiculed too much like the blade of the wind, so Neople later re-established the project, and developed "Overkill" in 21 years, which perfectly restored the 3D perspective of the sword soul, red eye and other professions, such as the sword soul, the mood is similar to "infinite connection under the moon", and the expectation value is instantly full.

DNF: Level 110 warm-up begins, and after the archers, the "Female Blue Fist" is also officially debuted!

【Summary】:According to the plot news released by "Yin Mingzhen", there should be 2 new classes on the line at level 110, temporarily determined as "Archer" and "Female Blue Fist", which new profession do you think will be launched first?

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