
A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Reviewed by: Ning Zhao (Peking University First Hospital)

For ordinary people, the problems encountered every day are probably:

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Source: Tencent Medical Dictionary Medical Illustration

For pharmacists, the problems encountered every day are probably:

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Well? master......???

As the saying goes, "words can't be spoken indiscriminately, medicine can't be eaten indiscriminately", the time and way of taking medicine are very exquisite, but many people are "ignorant". The correct posture of taking the drug can maximize the effective effect of the drug and reduce the adverse reactions of the drug. On the contrary, not only can not cure the disease, but also may miss Qingqing's life.

There was once a deplorable news report:

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Source: Screenshot of Hubei Jingshi Weibo

The drug disintegration of effervescent tablets releases a large amount of carbon dioxide, and if directly into the mouth, a large amount of gas fills the airway sharply, and in severe cases, there is even a risk of suffocation. (The correct way to take it is to dissolve it completely in warm water and drink it again)

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Source: soogif

For taking medicine, you have to master these postures -

1. What is the time to take medicine before, after meals and on an empty stomach?

When you see the medical advice before, after, during meals, on an empty stomach, and taking medicine three times a day, do you feel that one head is two large? In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish when to eat.

Before bedtime: Take 30 minutes before bedtime

Before meals: take 30-60 minutes before three meals (such as levothyroxine sodium tablets, pancreatic enzyme enteric-coated tablets, etc.)

After meals: take 15-30 minutes after meals (such as famotidin tablets, ambroxol hydrochloride tablets, etc.)

Mealtime: Refers to the first bite of a meal (such as acarbose) or immediately after a meal

It should be noted that many people will understand "three times a day" as taking it according to the time of "morning, middle and evening" meals.

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

In fact, "three times a day" is to divide the 24 hours into 3 segments on average, taking the drug every 8 hours. In this way, a stable blood concentration in the body can be ensured and the purpose of treatment can be achieved.

If the three medications are arranged during the day, it will cause the blood concentration to be too high during the day, which will have adverse effects on the human body, especially the elderly, children and the weak.

For example, antibiotic drugs, if they are taken during the day, the drugs do not play a role at night, bacteria will multiply in large quantities, it is easy to cause bacteria to resist drugs, and the drugs that were originally effective will be reduced or even ineffective.

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Second, why should I take medicine on time?

The medical advice of "taking medicine on time" is really not a casual remark.

The body's hormonal endocrine shows circadian rhythmic changes, and taking drugs at the right time can exert the greatest effect.

For example, the human body has a low level of synthetic glucocorticoids at night, and a higher level of secretion in the morning, and doctors often recommend that patients take glucocorticoids at 8-9 o'clock in the morning, which is to match this secretory rhythm. If this rhythm is broken, the body's ability to secrete glucocorticoids will slowly decline.

The role of drugs is closely related to the enzymes of the human body. Some enzymes are cute during the day and become night owls dominated by vitality at night. For example, the activity of enzymes that synthesize cholesterol in the human body at night is the highest, so statin lipid-lowering drugs taken before bedtime can effectively inhibit the role of enzymes that synthesize cholesterol.

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

In addition, the absorption effect of some drugs is related to food.

The drugs taken before meals generally have less gastrointestinal irritation, and they are easily absorbed by food after meals. For example, gastric motility drugs, taken before meals, can promote gastrointestinal motility and food emptying, which helps digestion.

And some foods that have greater stomach irritation, doctors often recommend taking them during or after meals.

In addition, there are some drugs (such as the antifungal drug itraconazole) due to the strong fat solubility, it is recommended to take it with meals, and the absorption will be better.

Therefore, to remind everyone to take the medicine correctly, it is not much to say it three times.

Third, pills with juice, milk? Risky!

Some people find the pills bitter, so they take them with juice or milk, and even swallow the medicine while drinking beer for convenience. This way of taking the drug, the risk is very high!

Fruit juice contains a lot of pectin, which easily reacts with drugs and affects the efficacy of the drug. For example, taking it with some alkaline drugs (such as sodium bicarbonate, etc.) will produce an acid-base neutralization reaction, thereby reducing the efficacy of the drug; taking it with sulfonamides will lead to a decrease in the solubility of sulfonamides in the urethra, form crystals, unfavorable discharge, and be prone to hematuria or even no urine.

Some drugs that have greater gastrointestinal irritation, such as aspirin, will aggravate the irritation of the gastric mucosa, and even cause bleeding from the gastric mucosa.

Take high blood pressure medication especially pay attention not to eat grapefruit or grapefruit juice! This can lead to a rapid drop in blood pressure, causing dizziness, palpitation, fatigue and a series of reactions, and in severe cases, life is in danger! [1]

Studies have shown that a glass of grapefruit juice can reduce the vitality of gastrointestinal enzymes by 47%, and this effect subsides slowly and is still more pronounced after 24 hours, so it is best not to eat it even after a few hours after taking the medicine. [2]

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Source: Stand Cool Helo

Milk is rich in calcium, which binds to tetracycline and quinolone antibiotics and iron-containing drugs, affecting its absorption.

If you drink milk when taking antidiarrheal drugs, milk can reduce the absorption of antidiarrheal drugs, and for friends who are lactose intolerant, it is likely to aggravate the symptoms of diarrhea.

Fourth, coffee and tea, reduce the efficacy

Both coffee and tea contain caffeine, which excites the central nervous system and is less friendly to central sedatives and hypnotics.

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Coffee can also stimulate gastric acid and gastric juice secretion, the main adverse reaction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is gastrointestinal reactions, eating such drugs and drinking coffee at the same time, will aggravate the damage to the gastric mucosa.

Tea contains a large amount of tannic acid, theophylline, etc., tannic acid combined with tetracycline, macrolide antibiotics to affect the antibacterial activity. Theophylline in tea also reduces the analgesic effect of aspirin.

Fifth, hot water is not suitable for taking medicine

The "almighty hot water" in the boyfriend's eyes really doesn't work here. A cup of hot water with medicine directly drunk is likely to greatly reduce the effect of some drugs.

For example, vitamin drugs, active bacteria preparations and some digestive drugs, they are more compatible with cold water.

For capsule drugs, people who dare to take it with hot water are admired in the next, and if they accidentally melt off the capsule shell in advance, stick to the throat, cough and cough, it is simply to make the whole face bitter to deformation.

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

In addition to the taste problem, the role of the capsule is to make the drug reach a certain position and then release, if the hot water melts the capsule in advance, it greatly reduces the efficacy.

6. Take medicine with wine? It's better not to do it

To say that the most important thing in the medicine industry is to take it with wine.

Alcohol metabolized in the human body produces acetaldehyde, which is easy to cause disulfiram-like reactions with cephalosporins, manifested as facial flushing, conjunctival congestion, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and even breathing difficulties, and even life-threatening in severe cases.

A one-and-a-half-year-old boy who took effervescent tablets orally died! 6 contraindications to taking medicine, quickly transfer to the family!

Therefore, when taking cephalosporins, metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, dysentery, etc., especially pay attention to avoid drinking products containing alcohol (including beverages, foods, drugs), such as huoxiangzhengqi water, medicinal wine, ten drops of water, wine heart chocolate, etc., but also avoid scrubbing with alcohol to cool down.

There are also some people who, for convenience, even swallow the pills directly dry, imagining the picture of the pills sticking to the esophagus... Not only does it not work, but it can also make the esophagus inflamed, the old disease is not good, and the new disease comes again.

If you need to take the drug with water, it is best to wear an appropriate amount of warm boiled water or cold boiled water. Drinking drinks at intervals of 2-3 hours after taking the drug can minimize the effect of drinks on the drug.

Of course, if you can, I hope that your body is great, eating ma ma xiang, not taking medicine is the best.


[1] Rabia Bushra, Nousheen Aslam, and Arshad Yar Khan. Food-Drug Interactions. Oman Med J. 2011 Mar; 26(2): 77–83.

[2] Jáuregui-Garrido B, Jáuregui-Lobera I. Interactions between antihypertensive drugs and food. Nutr Hosp. 2012 Nov-Dec;27(6):1866-75.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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