
Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

Jia Yucun, with the financial support of Zhen Shiyin, was proud of the spring breeze and was admitted to the rank of jinshi, and the official field was even more proud to soon be promoted to prefect. It can be seen that his people are indeed talented.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Jia Yucun's success in the past exposed the shortcomings of human nature. Soon suffered.

Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

It turned out that after Yucun gave silver to the soldiers in that year, he got up and entered the capital on the sixteenth. By the time of Dabi, he was very proud, and he had already met the jinshi, was elected to the foreign class, and had now been promoted to the prefect of the province. Although they are talented and talented, they are inevitably a bit greedy and arrogant, and those officials look sideways. Within a year, he was found by his superiors to find a gap and make a book, referring to his words such as "cunning and cunning, good at compiling etiquette, and selling the name of righteousness, and secretly forming a tiger and wolf genus, resulting in many troubles in the place and the people's lives being unbearable." Long Yan was furious and dismissed from his post. As soon as the ministerial documents arrived, the officials of the government were all pleased. Although Na Yucun was very ashamed in his heart, he didn't have any resentment on his face, and he was still smiling freely. After explaining official affairs, sending some of the capital accumulated by officials over the years and the family members to their original hometowns, and arranging compromises, it was his own responsibility to bear the wind and the sleeve of the moon, and to tour the world's victorious deeds.

This description of Jia Yucun's initial official field can be called the "Dream of the Red Chamber" version of "Twenty Years of Witnessing the Strange Situation of the OfficialDom". It is very critical and also reflects a lot of clues.

Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

First, Jia Yu Village does have talent. After receiving zhen shiyin's funding, it will be able to be titled in the gold list, which is by no means simple.

In ancient times, tens of thousands of people walked on the canoe bridge together, gathering the elites of the world, and if they wanted to get the top spot, they must have great ability. At least to have the ability to get the national hundred, this is not just red mouth and white teeth talk.

Jia Yucun will hit a blow, it is a talent.

Second, Jia Yu Village was promoted particularly quickly. It should be known that the two lists of jinshi were sent to the local area, and it was difficult to fish out the Seven Pinzhi County, generally starting from the Eight Pin County.

Jia Yucun could be promoted to sipin prefect in a few years, which showed his "greatness".

Of course, some versions are written as "Zhi County". Judging from his reinstatement as the prefect of Ying Tianfu, it should be the prefect. Counted as a novelist's words.

Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

Third, although Jia Yucun is talented, he is "greedy", that is, greedy for money and means are very spicy. He was corrupt, bribe-taking, and excluded dissidents, and he treated people harshly, reflecting the ills of a "villain" who had always been successful.

Fourth, Jia Yucun was greedy, which attracted the attention of his superiors and colleagues, and the offended people were impeached one after another.

"Cunning in temperament, good at etiquette, and selling the name of righteousness, and secretly forming a tiger and wolf genus, causing troubles in the localities and the lives of the people to be unbearable."

To put it bluntly, it means selling fame and reputation on the surface, corrupting the law on the inside, and forming a party for personal gain.

What really made the emperor angry was that he was "good at compiling etiquette" and "belonging to the tiger and wolf", arrogant and arrogant, and the party was not tolerated by the emperor.

Serious attention to this! It is also the cause of the Jia family's raid on the family, the "eye" of rise and fall.

Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

Fifth, Jia Yucun's "dismissal" is not a day when there is no longer a head start. In ancient times, the "dismissal" of officials seemed to be a heavy punishment. But as long as you don't say "never hire", you are going home to reflect. It is more acceptable than "demotion".

There are two ways out for officials after the "dismissal.". One was that the imperial court would regularly give them the opportunity to reinstate them. One is to have a special person to guarantee the reinstatement of the post.

The process of Jia Yucun being "deposed" and reinstated again is the foreshadowing of the Jia family's "raid on the family." His ups and downs represent that the Jia family also has the opportunity to raid the home and then "rehabilitate".

Sixth, Jia Yucun's loss of office is not a superficial manifestation, but his increasingly mature official mentality.

Unfortunately, his shortcomings at this time were once again revealed. He wanted to be reinstated but had no way out. I had to leave my hometown and look for opportunities and ways to visit the world's famous places.

The dismissal of Jia Yucun represents the rise and fall of the individual, and also reflects the complexity of the officialdom and the rise and fall of the Jia family.

Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

Gossip is rare, Jia Yucun suffered losses in his talent but no backing. If he had the Jia family as a patron, who would dare to "participate" him?

In fact, jia Yucun's encounter was reflected as early as when Zhen Shiyin gave him silver to enter Beijing to take the exam.

Zhen Shiyin gave Jia Yucun fifty taels of silver, and he was very calm at the time, but he went into Beijing overnight in a hurry, which showed the urgency of his mood. Therefore, the two letters of recommendation that Zhen Shiyin wrote to him the next day were not sent.

Zhen Shiyin's letter of recommendation was not sent with silver, which was the final test for Jia Yu Village.

Jia Yucun did not receive a letter of recommendation, and lost the "patron" that Zhen Shiyin paved the way for him, so that he was deposed and could not find the embarrassment of finding a way.

Dream of the Red Chamber: The reason why Jia Yucun dismissed the official, starting from Zhen Shiyin's gift of silver, two letters buried hidden dangers

Cao Xueqin's pen is set one ring after another, and there will never be idle writing.

However, even if you find a "backer", it does not mean that it is once and for all. Just like Jia Yucun found the Jia family, it will also "cause shackles to be carried" in the future. The Jia family was ostracized by the emperor and warmed up with the King of Northern Jing, which accelerated their demise.

"Patron" can never be relied upon, the official "cultivation" is a mystery, who can really "Tan Tan Ong", is a master.

Wen | Junji Yakan Red Chamber

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