
New News: Redmi K50 Pro is equipped with a Tianji 8100 processor

Today, blogger @Panda is very surprised to break the news, Redmi K50 Pro is equipped with MediaTek Tianji 8100 chip, which is MediaTek's sub-flagship processor, second only to Tianji 9000.

Previously, @ Digital Chat Station broke the news that the Tianji 8000 series chips contained two, one named Tianji 8000 and one named Tianji 8100, of which the comprehensive score of Tianji 8100's Antutu exceeded 820,000 points, surpassing the Snapdragon 888.

As we all know, Redmi's flagship K40 Pro+ released last year is equipped with a Snapdragon 888 processor, which means that the performance of the Redmi K50 Pro surpasses that of the Redmi K40 Pro+.

New News: Redmi K50 Pro is equipped with a Tianji 8100 processor

In addition, the Tianji 8100 is foundry by TSMC, and the power consumption control may be superior to the Snapdragon 888, which is foundry by Samsung.

It is worth noting that in addition to the K50 Pro, the Redmi K50 series to be released this time may also have K50 and K50 Pro+, of which the K50 is equipped with Snapdragon 870, and the K50 Pro may be equipped with Tianji 9000.

New News: Redmi K50 Pro is equipped with a Tianji 8100 processor

The new machine will be officially released in March.

Well, the above content is shared here, so what do you think? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment below the comments.

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