
109 to 56! Men's basketball team rivals World Preliminary Round Warm-up Victory 53 points to beat the Korean Universiade team!

On February 21, Beijing time, there are still three days before the start of the men's basketball world preliminary tournament, and the teams are also in intensive preparation, which is not, as the old rival of the men's basketball team, the Korean team, they carried out a warm-up game, and finally the South Korean team won the South Korean universiade team 109-56. This is also their last warm-up match before the World Cup, after which they will leave for Manila.

109 to 56! Men's basketball team rivals World Preliminary Round Warm-up Victory 53 points to beat the Korean Universiade team!

In this World Preliminary Tournament, due to the epidemic, the Chinese team missed this window period. As an old rival of the men's basketball team, the South Korean team still needs to go to the Philippines to compete. In this World Preliminary Tournament, the South Korean team will play four games, namely against the Philippines on the 24th, Against New Zealand on the 25th, Against India on the 27th, and against the Philippines on the 28th.

The South Korean team played in the World Preliminary Tournament this time, the process is very difficult, in the first two weeks, the South Korean team has a number of players test positive for nucleic acid, once rumored that the Korean team may only have 10 people to play in the embarrassing situation. However, in this way, the South Korean team still did not miss the World Preliminary Round.

109 to 56! Men's basketball team rivals World Preliminary Round Warm-up Victory 53 points to beat the Korean Universiade team!

In this recent warm-up match, although due to the epidemic, many warm-up matches have been cancelled. However, the South Korean team still found a warm-up opponent before playing. In the warm-up match against the Korean Universiade team, although the lineup was not in order, it was still very easy to win, taking the opponent 109-56 lightly and winning the opponent by 53 points.

109 to 56! Men's basketball team rivals World Preliminary Round Warm-up Victory 53 points to beat the Korean Universiade team!

This World Cup is a qualifier for the 2023 World Cup, and the results will directly determine whether you can play in the World Cup. As a traditional asian strong team, the Korean team did not play in the first window, which means that this time they will play 4 games in one go. Considering that they also have strong teams such as New Zealand and the Philippines in the same group, the South Korean team is really careless this time.

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