
Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

If you have the "symptom" of constantly checking the battery level and feeling uneasy when you stay in a place where you can't provide continuous charging convenience, you may have battery anxiety.

Although the battery anxiety is common but not terrible, a variety of fast charging has long entered everyone's life, there are 120W fast charging domestic machines, there are also 10,000 years of 5V1A Apple from the 12 series began to launch the fast charging line. The progress and change of manufacturers can more or less solve the problem of power anxiety of some users - but cannot solve the "battery anxiety".

Batteries are undoubtedly a consumable. Its lifespan and capacity begin to decay from the first day you meet. If you have the "symptom" of constantly checking the battery capacity and repeatedly struggling with whether it is better to unplug the power supply or plug in the power supply, then you are most likely to have "battery anxiety". The same is the high-frequency use of electronic products, the replacement price of computer batteries is 2-3 times that of mobile phone batteries.

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

▲The Macbook that is charging

The loss of battery capacity caused by the passage of time is naturally unavoidable, but the capacity loss caused by the way of use is a method.

In fact, like the MacBook using polymer lithium battery products, the power to maintain 20% -60% of the use, the comprehensive life will be longer, if like the desktop for a long time plugged in the power supply use, so that the power for a long time to maintain 100% of the overcharge state, will permanently damage the capacity of lithium batteries.

Apple has certainly noticed battery management issues, and the macOS BigSur system has gone live to optimize battery charging — but it's not dramatic.

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

▲ MacBook optimizes battery charging

Although this function claims to learn the user's daily charging mode and suspend charging to more than 80%, if your charging schedule is not very regular, then even if you turn on this function, the battery will still be full and will be in an unhealthy overcharge state for a long time.

And AlDente, a lightweight software that can really let you manage your battery health as you want.

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

▲ Have you ever noticed that the AlDente icon resembles pasta?

AlDente can read and write the MacBook's built-in SMC chip, even if the MacBook does not pull the charging cable for a long time, AlDente will flexibly switch on and off the power according to the user's presets, so as to avoid the battery from entering an extreme state of complete exhaustion or overcharging.

Charging limiter – AlDente Free

Set up the charging zone, and once you reach the maximum power you set, AlDente will cut off power and your MacBook will switch to battery power, keeping the battery capacity at the level you set. On MacBooks with win systems installed, as long as you activate AlDente's Intel mode, you can still safely eat the charge limiter feature.

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

▲ This simple feature is at the heart of AlDente

If you have more battery needs, the AlDente Pro may be enough, but it should be noted that The AlDente Pro currently only supports MacOS 11 Big Sur or later.

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

▲ In-app screenshots

Sailing mode - AlDente Pro

The voyage mode complements the charge limiter function.

After you turn on AlDente charging, when the MacBook power reaches the peak you set, the battery will pause charging, and at the same time, the power supply will power the computer, however, if you turn on a large number of power-consuming applications in a short period of time, the battery may also discharge a small amount, resulting in a lower power than the peak you set, or over time, the battery will always consume part of the power, and it will also cause the power to be lower than the peak you set, in this case, AlDente The battery is also turned on for charging until the charge reaches its peak again.

While theoretically, a battery with 10% charge at one time is healthier than 1% from 10 charge, and the navigation mode allows you to set a lower charge limit, and the battery will charge again from this lower limit to the charging limit.

Overtemperature protection – AlDente Pro

After the battery is charged to 80%, it will generate a lot of heat, and the general fast charging technology will quickly charge to 80%, and then turn to trickle charging to slow down the charging speed - because the safety hazards caused by battery heating and the problem of battery life attenuation have not been solved.

AlDente Pro provides overtemperature protection that stops charging when your MacBook overheats, protecting your battery health.

More AlDente Pro features can be found in the figure below.

Heard you have battery anxiety? One trick to teach you to maintain the health of your MacBook battery

▲ Screenshot of AlDente's official website

Even better, in the December 2021 release update, AlDente already supports Chinese.

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