
Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

For a long time, there are two views on the perception of cancer:

1. Cancer cannot be cured at all, and what is cured is misdiagnosis.

2. Cancer cannot be cured, and the treatment is in the end.

Based on this idea, some patients choose not to be treated, and want to leave money to their children.

This is actually not true, and most cancer patients can benefit from treatment.

We explain it from two perspectives, as evidenced by cases and data.

First of all, everyone must know that early lung cancer can be cured!

Early lung cancer, because the symptoms are mild or atypical, so a large part of the patient is due to physical examination or because of other diseases to be found unexpectedly, a small part is more attention to the body signal, the appearance of small symptoms in time to check the discovery.

Those who can be found in time are lucky, spend less money, and the effect is good!

Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

The middle-aged woman had no lung symptoms and was found to have lung cancer on a pre-thyroid surgery examination, a 3.2-centimeter mixed ground glass nodule.

Later, she transferred to surgery and was a highly differentiated lung adenocarcinoma (predominantly wall-mounted growth).

This type of lung cancer is mainly ground glass shadows, with only a small number of solid components, the surgical effect is very good, and the cost is not much.

In fact, this kind of mixed ground glass nodular lung cancer, our hospital physical examination center can screen out a lot every year, some are still doctors or immediate family members of the hospital, early cure, indicating that the elderly regular physical examination is beneficial.

Intermediate and advanced lung cancer has the risk of recurrence, and it is necessary to pay attention to individualized and standardized treatment

In general, stage I of lung cancer advocates direct surgery, and stage II most advocate surgery with postoperative adjuvant therapy, and many patients with stage II lung cancer can benefit from adjuvant therapy and reduce the risk of recurrence.

Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

The patient had huge lung cancer of the right upper lung with a tumor of more than 8 cm, but fortunately there was no distant metastases (stage IIIA).

After the operation, with chemotherapy, it has been 7 and a half years and there has been no recurrence:

Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

So, how long is the survival period after surgery for lung cancer with different stages? Is there any reliable data?

Yes! The chart below is the statistics for the eighth edition of the guide:

Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

As can be seen from the figure, the earlier the staging, the better the treatment effect!

This reminds everyone that if there is a disease, do not delay, early diagnosis and early treatment can improve the efficacy and prolong life, and also spend less money.

And this set of statistics is a group of cases used in 2015, and the current data is definitely better, because there are now more new drugs and new methods, and they are more standardized.

So, do unresectable lung cancers need to give up treatment?

1. Let's start with small cell lung cancer

This type of lung cancer is associated with smoking, develops rapidly, has a high degree of malignancy, and most of them lose the opportunity to operate when they are found.

But about 60% of small cell lung cancers are sensitive to chemoradiation and chemotherapy, which can prolong life and deserve to be done.

Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

This old man smoked for many years, found out the advanced stage of small cell lung cancer, through radiotherapy and chemotherapy-based comprehensive treatment, it has been three and a half years (right picture), the tumor has shrunk significantly.

Of course, the problem of high recurrence rate of small cell lung cancer is not perfectly solved, and it is necessary to do what you can.

2. Non-small cell lung cancer that cannot be resected.

In recent years, the global PACIFIC study, in a group of stage III lung cancer patients who have undergone radical radiotherapy and chemotherapy, achieved a median survival time of 47.5 months through immunotherapy, while the median survival time of 29.1 months in the placebo maintenance treatment group was achieved.

Simply understood, standardized treatment for unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer can allow half of the patients to survive 4 years (do what they can).

And maybe 4 years later, there will be a better way.

Finally, is there lung cancer suitable for lying flat and does not require treatment?

There are two situations that can be left untreated, and the latter is considered to be a waiver of treatment.

Let's look at the first one:

Got lung cancer and waited for your destiny at home? Or go to the hospital and toss it around? Doctors classify narration

The old woman was unfortunate to be diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 83, but she was also very lucky, a "lazy cancer", no treatment, but the lesion grew very slowly, after 5 years the tumor more than doubled, but there was still no distant metastasis, the old lady was 88 years old.

For elderly patients, more stable lesions can be closely observed, especially the kind of ground glass nodules, most of which grow slowly.

Second, the physical condition is poor and cannot tolerate certain treatments

Many elderly people are hard-working, dragged on for a long time until it is very serious to go to the hospital for examination, have returned to the sky tired, this time only do pain relief, oxygen, improve sleep quality and other simple treatment, try to make patients less guilty, it is also reasonable.

The sunset is infinitely better, after all, it is nearly dusk.

I am Dr. Imaging, welcome to follow.

This reference article:

Inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer, with this method, half of them can live for more than 4 years, Zheng Yuzhen, Zheng Zheng has a word.

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