
A simple and practical glossary of tongue diagnosis atlases, which can be understood at a glance, teach you to quickly identify diseases

author:There is a way for doctors

Working in pharmacies, if pharmacists can master some knowledge related to tongue diagnosis, they can better identify and diagnose diseases for customers and accurately recommend proprietary Chinese medicines.

"Tongue moss is the spleen and stomach qi up to the tongue" - the quality of the spleen and stomach will be directly reflected in the tongue moss. And in the stage when the spleen and stomach are just beginning to be weak, the tongue can be reflected, which is impossible for other organs to do - the tongue is the fastest and most accurate feedback on the spleen and stomach problems.

For example, liver qi or kidney qi problems tend to have a lag, that is, when the liver has been seriously uncomfortable, the tongue may be fed back.

Before this, the body has given very obvious hints in other parts, such as: breast swelling and pain before menstruation, irritability, rib swelling and so on.

Look at the tongue image in the morning

It is the most responsive to the underlying constitution

The tongue is a dynamic change that can quickly give feedback to the body in the present moment.

Generally speaking, the tongue image observed after deep sleep at night and early rise can best reflect the fundamental constitution of the human body. Because in sleep, the body is in a stable state, there is no outside interference such as diet and exercise, and it can best reflect the original appearance of the tongue.

Look at the tongue

Mainly look at the color and shape

Tongue refers to a circle on the side of the tongue, the tongue will be relatively stable compared to the tongue moss, reflecting a long-term state of the body, that is, the constitution.

A simple and practical glossary of tongue diagnosis atlases, which can be understood at a glance, teach you to quickly identify diseases

(From the Internet, infringement joint deletion)

1. Look at the color

A simple and practical glossary of tongue diagnosis atlases, which can be understood at a glance, teach you to quickly identify diseases

You can see according to this "axis", the middle is a normal reddish color, the more you go to the right, the more heat in the body, until the back becomes purple.

This kind of heat will be divided into real heat and virtual heat, real heat generally comes more urgently, go faster; and the virtual heat is mostly long-term and easy to repeat.

If you go further to the left, the whiter the tongue becomes, or even turns cyan, indicating that there is cold in the body. In this case of cold body cold, there is often congestion in the body, because "cold is coagulated", which will slow down the flow of qi and blood in the body, or even coagulate.

2. Look at the shape

The shape mainly depends on the outer circle of the tongue, that is, the entire body of the tongue.

The tongue is relatively fat, indicating that the yang qi is insufficient; if the fat is so large that the tongue is completely against the teeth, so that there are tooth marks, it means that it has advanced to yang deficiency 2.0.

If the tongue is relatively thin, it means that the "substance" in the body is insufficient, and it is yin deficiency.

Look at the tongue

Mainly look at thickness and color

The tongue is spread in the middle of the tongue body, in a dynamic process of change, looking at the current state of the body.

1. Look at the thickness

A simple and practical glossary of tongue diagnosis atlases, which can be understood at a glance, teach you to quickly identify diseases

The thickness of the tongue lichen reflects the situation of righteous qi in the body, and the thickness of the tongue moss indicates that there are external evils in the body.

There are many types of external evils, cold, wet, dry, hot, and hot, all of which are reflected from the tongue.

For example, after a cold, the body is particularly weak, or runny nose, cough, etc., the tongue at this time is usually thick and white.

If the tongue is very thin, or even no tongue, it means that the stomach qi in the body is insufficient, and it can even be directly said that there is a lack of positive qi.

Stomach qi is insufficient, food in the spleen and stomach can not be converted into qi and blood, there is no energy. In this case, we must pay more attention to diet, sleep and other living habits, and we must adjust well.

2. Look at the color

A simple and practical glossary of tongue diagnosis atlases, which can be understood at a glance, teach you to quickly identify diseases

The color of the tongue reflects the severity of the evil qi.

If the tongue moss turns yellow, it means that the external evil has invaded the inside of the body, and more and more stasis has begun to produce heat.

If the tongue is too white, it means that the cold is very heavy, and you need to help yourself to make up for the yang and drive away the cold.

In addition, there are these that you need to take a small book to remember:

1. The tip of the tongue suddenly turns red, indicating that there is a heart fire;

2, the tongue looks wet and answers, indicating that there is moisture;

3. The tongue moss looks particularly dry, indicating that the yin is weak;

4. The two veins under the tongue are black and thick, indicating that the congestion is very serious.

The above tongue image, through the conditioning of the body, can see the obvious change of tongue moss in a normal week.

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