
Survey丨The number of motor vehicles in Ningxia exceeded 2 million, and the second-hand car market is developing actively!

Recently, statistics from the Traffic Management Bureau of the Autonomous Regional Public Security Department show that:

From January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021, yinchuan vehicle management office handled a total of 639654 second-hand car transfer registrations.

In the past five years, the ratio of second-hand car transfer registration to new car registration has increased from 0.95 to 1.37, surpassing the number of new car registrations.

What does the increasingly active used car market mean?

To this

The reporter conducted a visit

Survey丨The number of motor vehicles in Ningxia exceeded 2 million, and the second-hand car market is developing actively!

The used car market has rich and diverse vehicle resources

Consumer perceptions have changed, used cars are favored

"There is now a big shift in consumer perceptions of buying used cars, which is the primary factor in the heating up of used car sales." Sun Peng, who operates second-hand cars, told reporters that the cost of buying a new car is relatively high, and the tax plus insurance cost is also a large expense, while the purchase of a second-hand car is relatively cheap.

Sun Peng told reporters that there are three main types of second-hand car consumers he has contacted, "One is that unmarried young people buy second-hand cars as urban scooters, the ideal price is within 50,000 yuan; the second is that middle-aged people have a family of three or four, have a car, and then buy a scooter, such people choose cars between 70,000 yuan and 140,000 yuan; the third is to do business and other groups, and the car selection is usually more than 120,000 yuan." ”

Second-hand cars are favored, which makes Sun Peng, who is on the road to collect cars, full of energy. On the day of the interview with reporters, Sun Peng had 3 second-hand cars to transfer in the morning, "Although I have not been engaged in second-hand car sales for a long time, it is obvious that the second-hand car market in Yinchuan and even the whole country is more active." Sun Peng told reporters.

Well-known brand used cars are more valuable

"Ten years ago, Yinchuan sold 10 new cars, and the used car market could only sell one or two." Yang Longlong, who has been engaged in second-hand car sales for more than a decade, said that now second-hand cars are surpassing the sales volume of new cars, and the market is gradually heating up.

In Yang Longlong's sales showroom, rows of used cars are new and shiny, looking like new cars. "The acquired used cars must be thoroughly cleaned and polished, which is also to add points to the second-hand cars, so that consumers can buy affordably." Yang Longlong said that it is a common phenomenon that the price difference of 50,000 yuan between the same model of new cars and second-hand cars in his showroom is a common phenomenon.

In addition, Yang Longlong also broadcasts live on the Douyin platform every day. "Through live broadcasting, more people can pay attention to and understand in time, and you can also answer questions about buying used cars online."

Yang Longlong has long chosen to do BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Honda and other brand vehicles, in Yang Longlong's view, well-known brand used cars in the market to maintain value. "Used cars still have to look at the quality, as long as the car is in good condition, it is a boutique, it is sought-after."

Internet big data makes used car prices more transparent

"Now the price of used cars is very transparent, in the era of big data, a search on the Internet, the specific quotation of each model is clear at a glance." Xiao Wang, who is engaged in second-hand car sales, said that the price of second-hand cars is now very transparent, and there is basically no difference between online and offline quotations. "Used cars purchased from me will state and guarantee in the contract that the vehicle is accident-free and warranted for at least one year." Xiao Wang said.

During the interview, the reporter learned that the consumer group that buys second-hand cars now pays more attention to practicality. In Yinchuan, some second-hand car market reporters noticed that domestic second-hand cars such as Wuling Hongguang and Jacques seven-seat vans are more popular. Xiao Wang told reporters that the purchase of Wuling Hongguang is mostly engaged in pulling goods, and the purchase of Jianghuai seven-seat van is a self-driving tour for some retirees, and the space in the car is large, which is suitable for long-distance travel.

Non-operating cars can continue on the road as long as they pass the annual inspection

During the interview, the reporter learned that the vehicles exempted from inspection are non-operating mini and mini passenger cars with less than 9 seats within 6 years (except for vans). For non-operating mini and mini passenger cars (except vans) that have exceeded 6 years and less than 10 years, the inspection cycle has been relaxed from once a year to once every two years. Non-operating small and micro passenger cars for more than 10 years are still carried out in accordance with the original inspection cycle, that is, once a year for 10 to 15 years, and once every six months for more than 15 years. According to the latest regulations on the end of the vehicle life in 2020, as long as the annual inspection is passed, it can continue to drive on the road. This has also led to an increase in the growth space of used cars, which has relaxed the boundaries of vehicle trading in the used car market.

During the interview, the reporter learned that with the gradual decline in the profit of new cars, the second-hand car business has become a new profit growth point.

Lao Guan, who has been engaged in second-hand car sales for more than 20 years, said: "In recent years, all over the country to collect cars, and then come back to sell cars, in the eyes of others, I may have earned tens of thousands of yuan in a car, in fact, in addition to the cost of collecting cars and other fees, that is, thousands of yuan of income." ”

In the future, used car trading will be more convenient

With a large car ownership base, the growth momentum of used cars is sustainable. According to the data released by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Autonomous Region Public Security Department:

Ningxia motor vehicle ownership exceeded 2 million, Yinchuan city ownership exceeded 1 million, the continuous growth of car ownership is the basis for future second-hand car trading, that is, the vast majority of existing vehicles will be traded as used cars at least once in the future.

With the active promotion of policies such as the cancellation of the "relocation restriction" of used cars and the registration of used car off-site transactions, the second-hand car trading market has become increasingly active.

In fact, from the active second-hand car market proposed by the state in 2016 to the promotion of second-hand car transaction registration across provinces in 2021, the favorable policies for second-hand cars have been frequently issued in the past 6 years, which not only promotes the free circulation of second-hand cars in accordance with market laws, fully releases the potential of the second-hand car market, but also drives the development of maintenance, insurance and other related service industries.

Yinchuan Municipal Vehicle Management Institute staff introduced, the previous off-site transaction of second-hand car procedures are very cumbersome, the need for vehicle household registration and transfer to the place of two ends of the run, from December 10, 2021, on the basis of the previous implementation of the 218 cities, and added 120 cities to implement the "second-hand car off-site transaction registration", the implementation of vehicle transaction registration in one place, the file electronic online transfer, convenient for the masses to directly handle the transaction registration procedures at the place of vehicle transfer, no need to return to the place of relocation to inspect the car, extract paper files, In the future, it will be more convenient to trade used cars in different places.


Will you choose to buy a used car?

Reporter: Kelly Ping

Review: Ma Lingyan, Liu Sange

Editor: Ma Yue

Survey丨The number of motor vehicles in Ningxia exceeded 2 million, and the second-hand car market is developing actively!

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