
For the first time, it ranked in the top three of the Winter Olympic gold medal list, looking for future growth points in China's ice and snow sports

For the first time, it ranked in the top three of the Winter Olympic gold medal list, looking for future growth points in China's ice and snow sports

On February 20, the Beijing Winter Olympics came to an end, the Norwegian delegation ranked first with an absolute advantage, and the Chinese delegation ranked third with 9 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 2 bronze medals, ranking among the top three for the first time, creating the best record since China participated in the Winter Olympics.

In this Winter Olympic Games, the Chinese delegation achieved all 7 major events and 15 sub-events, and won a total of 104 minor events and 194 seats, compared with the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, 2 major events were added, and 3 major events such as Nordic biathlon and 47 minor events were added.

From 1 gold medal in the last Winter Olympic Games to 9 gold medals in this Winter Olympic Games, the improvement of China's winter sports is self-evident, but we can not stop here, in the future, Chinese sports to maintain a high standard, we must find new growth points.

Copy Gu Ai Ling Su Yiming

One of the most important features of China's winter sports is that the ice is strong and the snow is weak.

This is relatively speaking, ice projects are not necessarily strong, but snow projects are really weak.

Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, China won 13 gold medals, and only Han Xiaopeng won the men's freestyle skiing aerial skills at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.

In this Winter Olympics, China's snow sports have sprung up, the most representative of which are Gu Ailing and Su Yiming.

Gu Ailing alone won two gold medals in the women's freestyle ski jump and U-shaped track skills, as well as a silver medal in the slope obstacle course skills. Gu Ailing won 2 gold and 1 silver in one competition, and Gu Ailing became the athlete with the most medals in the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympic Games, and the first freestyle skier in the history of the Winter Olympics to win 2 gold and 1 silver in a competition.

Gu Ailing has too many labels on her body, is the eyes of every parent "other people's child", her success has too many factors, love for this project is the most important reason.

Similar to her, there is Su Yiming, who is a men's snowboarder.

Su Yiming is one year younger than Gu Ailing, and compared with Gu Ailing, who has already won many world championships before the Beijing Winter Olympics, Su Yiming is truly a "blockbuster".

Due to the epidemic situation, Su Yiming rarely had the opportunity to appear in the competition before, and many people have only seen him in the video about his completion of difficult actions such as 1620 and 1980.

In December 2021, at the Ski Jump world cup in the United States Steamboat Station qualification tournament, Su Yiming ranked first with 93 points, qualifying for the final of the snowboard big jump world cup for the first time. In the final, Su Yiming won the gold medal with a total score of 155.25 points in two rounds, which was Su Yiming's first international championship and the first world champion of Chinese men's snowboarding.

It was also from that time that his image of The Little Plug in "Wise Tiger Mountain" was repeatedly mentioned, and later found out that he also participated in a number of film and television works, and it turned out that he was an all-rounder across CCTV-6 and CCTV-5.

In this Winter Olympics, Su Yiming competed on the same stage with many idols, winning the men's big jump championship and the second place in slope obstacle course skills, becoming the youngest snowboard big jump champion in the history of the Winter Olympics.

Gu Ailing and Su Yiming have absolute strength in their advantageous projects, but what is the situation of the next session, there is still suspense, and we must plan ahead.

If China's ice and snow sports want to stay at the forefront for a longer period of time, it is crucial to dig up more athletes like Gu Ailing and Su Yiming as soon as possible.

Genius cannot be copied, and the path can be learned.

Look for a successor to the advantage project

Advantage projects have always been the key to The foothold of Chinese sports in the international sports world, and there will be six aces in the Summer Olympics, as well as the Winter Olympics.

In this Winter Olympics, among the 9 gold medals of the Chinese delegation, 2 short track speed skating, 1 figure skating, and 2 freestyle skiing aerial skills, which have always been the dominant events of the Chinese team.

Now, these projects are facing the problem of personnel turnover.

The happiest thing is that several veterans have finally fulfilled their gold medal dream at this Winter Olympics.

Freestyle skiing aerial skills, which has always been known as the back garden of the Chinese team, has won numerous championships in the world arena for more than 20 years, and Xu Mengtao alone has won 27 World Cup championships.

At the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, Xu Mengtao won the runner-up, and 8 years later, Xu Mengtao finally won the women's individual championship and achieved a grand slam.

Like Xu Mengtao, qi Guangpu, who insisted on winning the championship in the 4th Winter Olympics, also had Qi Guangpu in the men's individual event. Qi Guangpu has won 2 world championships and 16 World Cup titles, ranking first among male players.

Xu Mengtao and Qi Guangpu are both 32 years old, and another Elder jia Zongyang of the Four Dynasties is also 31 years old. After this Winter Olympics, Xu Mengtao and Qi Guangpu will retire, Jia Zongyang, who won two Winter Olympic silver medals, is also difficult to stick to the gold medal dream, after them, the last Winter Olympics women's singles bronze medalist Kong Fanyu is 29 years old, the male leader Wang Xindi is 27 years old, Kong Fanyu is sixth in women's singles, Wang Xindi is 12th in men's singles, whether they can quickly take over the guns in the hands of several veterans is not optimistic.

Short track speed skating is the vanguard of The Chinese Winter Olympics, and the most gratifying thing about this Winter Olympics is that Fan Kexin finally won the gold medal, but the decline of the Chinese women's short track speed skating team has still not been stopped.

In the women's field, Italy's FangTana sword is not old, won 1 gold and 2 silver, the Netherlands' Shultin is in his prime, won 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze, and the old opponent of the Chinese team, South Korea's Cui Minjing, is also 1 gold and 2 silver in hand, in this case, the Chinese team can win the bronze medal in the women's 3000 meters relay, it is not easy.

29-year-old Fan Kexin is difficult to stick to the next session, the advantage of the Chinese women's team is a better age structure, the disadvantage is the lack of top players, Canada, Russia, the United States are full of stamina, the next Winter Olympics, the Chinese women's team will be more difficult.

The situation of the men's team is slightly better, but it is not optimistic, how to ensure the rapid revival of this big gold-winning family, there is a lot of work to be done.

On the evening of February 19, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong performed perfectly, finally making up for the regrets of the last Winter Olympics, winning the gold medal and touching countless people.

4 Grand Prix champions, 1 Grand Prix Finals champion, 3 World Youth Championship champions, 6 Four Continents Championship champions, 2 World Championship champions, 1 Winter Olympic champion, Han Cong and Sui Wenjing used 15 years of holding hands to achieve the dream of a Grand Slam.

Over the years, we have been accustomed to watching Shen Xue/Zhao Hongbo, Zhang Dan/Zhang Hao, Pang Qing/Tong Jian, but inadvertently ignored the growth of Sui Wenjing/Han Cong, and suddenly found that Sui Wenjing was almost 27 years old, and Han Cong was almost 30 years old.

The scarred "onion barrel" combination, when it is time to say goodbye, and their peng cheng/Jin Yang, who is only two years younger than them, looks at the performance of three pairs of Russian Olympians, you know how long the project still has to go.

Cross-border is not a panacea

In this Winter Olympics, China sent a huge delegation in history to achieve the participation of the whole project, in addition to the host factor, cross-border selection played a great role.

Su Yiming and Yan Wengang are among the beneficiaries.

Yan Wengang, who transferred from athletics, also became the first athlete in China to win a medal in the steel frame snowmobile event.

In addition, in alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping and other sports, there are also a large number of cross-border athletes, Guo Dan also became China's first "double Olympic" athlete to participate in the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games, she participated in the roller skating competition of the Tokyo Olympic Games, and participated in the speed skating competition of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and the Beijing Winter Olympics.

An undeniable fact is that cross-border material selection can be "expanded" or "fixed", but china's ice and snow projects must truly achieve "elite soldiers", and cross-border is not a panacea.

It can be expected that in the next Winter Olympics, the number of participants in the Chinese delegation will be reduced, and the number of participating projects will be reduced accordingly, how to continue to be among the forefront of the Winter Olympics, some ice and snow powers can be used as a reference.

Norway won 16 gold medals at the Winter Olympics, a record high in a single Winter Olympics, except for the men's team pursuit of speed skating, all of which came from snow sports. Johannes Tynes Berhe, won 4 gold and 1 bronze in this Winter Olympics, and the reason why Norway has dominated the Winter Olympic gold medal list 9 times is related to their strength in snow sports, especially cross-country skiing and biathlon, and in the overall medal table of the Winter Olympics, Norway is also a well-deserved hegemon.

Germany, which ranks second in the gold medal list, won 12 gold medals at the Winter Olympics, 9 of which came from the bobsleigh, steel frame bobsleigh and bobsleigh events, and the three events have a total of only 10 gold medals, which shows the dominance of the German team.

The 8 gold medals won by the Dutch team were all from speed skating and short track speed skating, and speed skater Shaoten won 3 gold and 1 bronze.

Expanding projects suitable for China's development and strengthening China's advantageous projects are the top priorities for the future development of Ice and Snow Sports in China.

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