
Tottenham Hotspur have won nearly 2 in the Premier League: Belwyn beat the Blue Foxes in 96 minutes and Kane beat Manchester City in 95 minutes

Tottenham Hotspur have won nearly 2 in the Premier League: Belwyn beat the Blue Foxes in 96 minutes and Kane beat Manchester City in 95 minutes

Livestream Bar Feb. 20 – Tottenham Hotspur beat Manchester City 3-2 away in this round of the league, with Kane scoring twice and scoring a deadlock in the 95th minute.

Tottenham Hotspur have won nearly 2 in the Premier League: Belwyn beat the Blue Foxes in 96 minutes and Kane beat Manchester City in 95 minutes

Tottenham's last Premier League victory was also a killer: Belwyn scored twice in injury time, equalised in the 94th minute and completed the deadlock in the 96th minute.


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