
Nuwa Goddess Day skin exposure, Cai Wenji senior limit is about to go online, Lu Ban master has bad news

Love life, love games, hello everyone, I'm dumb. We look forward to your attention, and I will share more interesting and latest information here.

Foreword: Recently there have been some new skin breaking news, because it is the Goddess Day soon, and recently there are also well-known people who have revealed a new skin, which may be related to the Goddess Day, but about the skin quality of the Goddess Day, in fact, it is not possible to give a conclusive proof at present, because the quality is completely different.

Nuwa Goddess Day skin exposure, Cai Wenji senior limit is about to go online, Lu Ban master has bad news

In addition, that is, Cai Wenji also has a high-level limited skin, if not surprisingly, this skin is at least epic limited, and some players can also directly get it for free.

In addition, after the recent experience suit update, there is a hero who has ushered in a bad news, that is, the well-known Luban master, at present, this hero may usher in some major level adjustments, such as skill weakening or skill redo.

Well, without further ado, let's take a look.

Master Luban has bad news

Since the hero of Master Luban was launched, he has been a popular assistant, although it is rarely used in the middle and low segments, but it proves the strong existence of Master Luban in the high segment.

Nuwa Goddess Day skin exposure, Cai Wenji senior limit is about to go online, Lu Ban master has bad news

And Master Luban's performance in the professional competition is also very good, so a hero like this is very dangerous.

After the recent update of the King's Glory Experience Suit, the official shielded and removed Master Luban, and this shielding is certainly not a good news for Master Luban, because under normal circumstances, the official will not block a hero for no reason.

For example, after the shield mountain was blocked last time, he ushered in a skill adjustment, which greatly weakened the ability of the shield mountain, so this time the Luban master was shielded, it may also be because a certain ability is too prominent, it is taken to the test by the official, and then there may be a weakening situation.

However, I think it is actually a very normal thing for Master Luban to be adjusted, because some of his abilities are indeed a little too prominent, but he still pays attention to the ability of teamwork, so the average single-row player cannot control such a hero.

Nuwa Goddess Day skin exposure, Cai Wenji senior limit is about to go online, Lu Ban master has bad news

Goddess Day Skin Raid

After a while, it will be goddess day, I believe everyone should also know that goddess day will also have exclusive skin, and this year's goddess day skin is finally exposed.

Recently, a well-known person revealed the new skin of Nuwa, you can first look at the content shown in the picture, it looks very similar to Nuwa.

Through recent revelations, it is said that this skin is a skin on the line of the Goddess Day, probably before March 8, but the skin quality of the Goddess Day cannot be determined at present, like Mulan's youth final season is also the goddess day online, as well as Luna's 6 yuan skin, so in terms of quality, it may be a low-level skin, or it may be a high-grade skin.

Nuwa Goddess Day skin exposure, Cai Wenji senior limit is about to go online, Lu Ban master has bad news

Cai Wenji's new skin

As a soft assistant, Cai Wenji is actually quite popular in the glory of the king, because the high blood return mechanism has become one of the main roles in protecting the C position in the team battle.

Recently she also had a new skin exposure, that is, the Noble Seven exclusive skin, as we all know, Noble 7 needs to spend 20,000 coupons to upgrade, so this is a new skin worth 20,000 coupons, of course, for Noble 7 players, it is also equivalent to a free skin.

However, at present, there are fewer revelations for this skin, so everyone is looking forward to it.

Nuwa Goddess Day skin exposure, Cai Wenji senior limit is about to go online, Lu Ban master has bad news

To sum up the main points: At present, Master Luban is blocked in the experience suit, and it is very likely that it is a furnace test, so after a while we may hear the news that Master Luban has been weakened. For nuwa's new skin, exposed at this time, it is indeed possible to be online on goddess day, but there is no reference in terms of quality. For Cai Wenji's new skin, there have been relevant revelations for a long time, if it is really the exclusive skin of the noble seven, then this year should have the opportunity to go online, although she is worth 20,000 coupons, but in other words, she is also a free skin.

Well, the above is the entire content of this issue of the article, I don't know if you have any other views? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate together.

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