
A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

Whether it's a relationship or a career, there are always some people who seem very strong and never give in. Even in the feelings, it is particularly hard-mouthed. It was as if nothing could make them compromise, nothing could make them bow their heads. But their strength is likely to be pretended.

They act strong only because they are afraid of being hurt and rejected, just because their self-esteem is too strong, just because in love, they are afraid of becoming the one who is not liked. So act like a hedgehog, but in fact, the heart is quite soft, very much in need of protection and love.

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

Today we talk about these signs that are strong on the outside but fragile on the inside from the perspective of the astrological chart. The mouths are hard and strong, but they are their protective colors.

Sun Lion + Moon Pisces

People whose sun sets on Leo are often a type of person with strong self-esteem. They don't want others to see their vulnerability, and they definitely don't show vulnerability to outsiders. Even the closest people may not be able to see Leo's tears. Because for Leo, they always report good news and not bad news.

But not all Leos are as strong as they appear, and many Leos are just pretending to be strong. Because the self-esteem is too strong, do not want others to see their cowardice, do not want others to see their own downfall, especially in the feelings, do not want the other party to feel that they must be him.

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

Especially when a sun sets on Leo, the moon also falls on Pisces. Then their strength, their strength, all just appearances. Because the moon falls on Pisces people, their inner emotions are very rich and they are also very easy to hurt. The word powerful, and the moon Pisces are not related.

They are more like virgins, always like to appear as a kind of redeemer. So people with this configuration, they need to be very concerned. No matter how strong and independent they are, their hearts always long for someone who understands their joys and sorrows, and understands their desires and desires.

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

So if you have such a person around you, please be sure to treat him well. Don't be fooled by his hard mouth and pretending, they just don't want others to see their vulnerability, but they just hope that when they are sad, someone can stay by their side and comfort themselves.

Sun Shooter + Moon Cancer

People whose sun is setting on Sagittarius especially like to pretend it doesn't matter. If you have Sagittarius friends around you, you will find that they seem to have no worries, and even if they have troubles, they always smile and look like they don't care. But Sagittarius, just used to pretend it didn't matter.

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

They are indeed optimistic, but that does not mean they will not be sad. They just don't want to bring their own negative emotions and negative energy to the people around them, so the feeling of the sun shooter to others is always cheerful and humorous. Even if they are injured and beaten, they are always light and breezy.

If the moon is better seated, Sagittarius can indeed resolve emotions and contradictions on its own and make its heart smooth. But if the moon falls on a position like Cancer or Pisces, their hearts must be very different from what they appear to be. The moon falls on Cancer, although it is a temple, but it is not necessarily good.

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

Because moon cancer crabs are too emotionally rich, their hearts are too sensitive. Someone else's words, an action, a look, may make them think about things and even sleepless nights. Thinking too much is their biggest problem. But at the same time, because the sun goes down, they are not used to speaking out these emotions, so they always hold them in their hearts.

So much so that they have become an image of hanging on the surface, with a hard mouth and not being soft, but in fact, they are extremely sad inside. For this type of person, meeting a person who really understands them can solve their emotional problems from the root. However, it is difficult to meet such a person, but I also wish them to find it soon.

A sign with a hard mouth and a soft heart, likes to pretend to be strong, but in fact, it is soft at heart and needs to be loved

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