
No matter what kind of learning skills, you must have accumulated efforts over time.

No matter what kind of learning skills, you must have accumulated efforts over time.

Article 157::

[The wood of the embrace is born at the end of the millimeter; the platform of the ninth floor begins from the tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.] 】

From the Qunshu Zhijiao, vol. 34, Lao Tzu.

This means that the thick tree with two hands together is made of tiny seedlings; the nine-storey building is made of mud; and the distance of a thousand miles begins with the first step under the feet.

No matter what kind of learning skills, you must have accumulated efforts over time. For example, the kung fu of the Shaolin Temple is famous all over the world, and the martial monks in the temple can fly over the wall, how is this kung fu achieved? From some TV series, you can get inspiration. When the monks went to fetch water, they all walked on their tiptoes, and once the barrel was on their shoulders, they could not put it down, and they had to carry it all the way to the mountain and pour it into the water tank. And when carrying water, there are heavy sandbags tied to their feet.

In this way, picking up water several times a day, insisting on it every day, insisting on it every day, you can exercise the strength on your feet, and over time, you can practice the kung fu of flying cornices and walking on the wall. Practicing kung fu is a cumulative and subtle process, not overnight, after a long period of practice, in order to achieve qualitative leaps from the accumulation of quantity.

Learning the skills of the world requires persistence, every day without interruption, the so-called "fist does not leave the hand, the song does not leave the mouth" People who fight boxing cannot go a day without fighting; those who sing cannot go a day without singing, and they must practice every day. People who give lectures cannot go a day without speaking, and they must go to various occasions to speak, so that they can become skillful, and they can cope with various occasions and will not be afraid of the stage.

If you are familiar with the content of what you are talking about, you can naturally be handy, talk and laugh, and deal with it freely. To different occasions, the audience is different. Regardless of the degree of the audience, whether they are educated or not, they must find a way to make the audience understand, so that the lectures can be practiced.

In the "Record of the Oil Seller" written by Ouyang Xiu, such a truth is also told. "Chen Kangsu Gong Yao is good at shooting, and he is unparalleled in the world, and Gong gong is also self-conscious." Chen Yaozhi was particularly good at archery, his archery skills were very good, at that time, no one could compare with him, and he was also complacent. "Taste the shooting in the family garden, there are oil sellers who stand up with their burdens, look at it, and do not go for a long time." Once, Chen Kangsugong was practicing archery in his own field, and an old man who sold oil unloaded his burden and stood there, looking at him with squinting eyes, and did not leave for a long time. "See its hair arrow out of ten, but slightly jawed." Seeing that he had shot eight or nine of the ten arrows, he just nodded and smiled slightly.

Kang Su asked, "Ru Yi knows how to shoot?" Don't I shoot? After Chen Kangsu saw it, he asked, "Do you also know how to shoot arrows?" Am I not skilled enough in my arrows? Weng Yue: "Without him, but with a familiar hand." The old man who sold oil replied: "In fact, there is nothing mysterious, it is just that the hands are familiar, and practice makes perfect." ”

Hearing his answer, Kang Su said indignantly, "Er'an dares to shoot lightly!" When he saw it, the oil seller was not impressed with his superb archery skills, and he was a little unhappy, and even said angrily: "How dare you despise my archery skills!" Weng Yue: "I know it with my own oil." The old man who sold oil said, "From my experience in pouring oil, I understand the truth that practice makes perfect."

"Take a gourd and place it on the ground, cover its mouth with money, and drain it with oil." So he took out a gourd and placed it on the ground, put a copper coin on the mouth of the gourd, and slowly poured the oil into the gourd. "From the money hole, and the money is not wet." The copper coin's mouth was very small, but he injected oil from the money hole, and the copper coin was not wet. "I don't have him either, but I have a good hand." So he said, "I don't have any other mysteries, just my hands." Kang Su smiled and sent it away. After Chen Kangsu heard this, he smiled and sent him away. It shows that he makes a lot of sense.

This is true of learning skills, and it is also true of learning in the world. Li Bai's allusion that "as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle" also confirms this truth. The famous poet Li Bai, when he was a child, was also very playful, did not study smoothly, did not learn to achieve halfway, and on his way home from school, he met an old woman grinding iron pestles. Li Bai felt very strange when he saw it, so he went up and asked, "Old lady, what do you do when you grind the iron pestle?" The old woman said, "I'm going to grind it into an embroidery needle." Li Bai listened to this sentence and was very impressed, he did not expect that he could grind such a thick iron pestle into an embroidery needle. He was inspired by this, and after returning, he continued to study, and finally became an official to the "Hanlin Offering", and also became famous in one fell swoop, becoming a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty. Whether it is learning or learning the skills of the world, it is necessary to have perseverance and accumulate over time to succeed.

Mr. Zeng Guofan also said: "Health maintenance and academic ability are all made from Youheng. "Health maintenance" is to maintain the body; "learning" is to enhance moral learning, and it is necessary to have perseverance and perseverance. If there is no perseverance, such as exercise, if you can't insist, you got up at three o'clock today, but if you insist on it for less than three days and return to the original state, it will be difficult for your body to exercise well.

In the same way, doing scholarship and reading the books of the sages also require accumulated efforts, and they need to be read every day. Therefore, the ancients practiced morning and evening classes, and when they got up in the morning to read it again, they reminded themselves; reading it again before falling asleep at night was to use the classics to reflect. In this way, if you don't stop every day, you can improve your self-cultivation skills.

Studying Sinology and traditional culture is different from western learning methods. The way to learn traditional culture is to "read a book a thousand times, and its righteousness is self-evident." Why is it that reading a thousand times can be self-righteous? For if one can read the book a thousand times, the human heart will be fixed, because of the precepts, because of the enlightenment.

Wisdom is self-sufficient, and the University says: "The way of the university is in Mingmingde, in the people, and in the ultimate good." "Every human being has his own virtue, immeasurable wisdom, immeasurable ability, immeasurable kindness, immeasurable wealth, which are all sufficient in human nature. How to develop these immeasurable treasures of wisdom? That's what it takes. The mind settles down and wisdom naturally opens.

Therefore, the ancients described people's hearts as "the heart is like stopping water" and "the waves are not happy". Man is angry, just as water is like a wave, and when the waves are rough, the water is very muddy, and the sediment is in it, and all the reflections of the outside world become distorted and unclear. If you suppress your anger, but there will be some fluctuations in your mind, such as seeing who is dissatisfied, unpleasant, and jealous, this is called a small ripple.

Although it is not completely distorted like the reflection of the wind and waves, it will also produce some distortions. Only when the mind is as calm as water and there is no ripple at all, can the reflection of the outside world be true and thorough. So why is "knowing the human heart" a human innate ability? It is because if people's minds are very pure, and there are no distractions and no pollution in their hearts, other people's minds are reflected by it clearly, and they can know the thoughts of others.

The improvement of moral learning also requires a long-term, cumulative process, and if this effort is ignored, the desired purpose cannot be achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to be diligent and unremitting, so that it is possible to open the matilda of self-nature. The ancients also regarded perseverance as the basis for sanctification. In the Zhou Yi, it is said, "It is not constant in its virtue, or it is ashamed to bear it." ”

Mr. Zeng Guofan also said: "The honorific word Hengzi is a thorough and thorough work", which shows that respect and perseverance must be maintained from beginning to end, and there is no relaxation at all. As the Zhongyong says, "He who is also the Tao must not depart from the Tao, but can depart from the non-Tao." "Those who enter into virtue will persist in respect, and those who cultivate their profession will be virtuous and persistent." If you want to improve your morality, you need to be respectful, and you must always be respectful, not to relax for a moment, not to forget a moment. Learning must be accumulated continuously, and there must be perseverance.

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