
Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

author:Culinary encyclopedia

Every New Year's Festival, relatives and friends always like big fish and big meat, but they abandon and avoid small and fresh porridge. I don't know that light porridge can also be made with fresh flavor and attractiveness and varied patterns. Let's explore the secrets of the small porridge with the little treasurer!


Lotus beauty soup

Ingredients: 30g lotus seeds, 30g of coix seeds, 50g of coix seeds, 10g of cinnamon meat, honey to taste.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Preparation Method:

(1) First soak the lotus seeds, coriander and coix kernels in water for 30 minutes;

(2) Put the cinnamon meat together in a pot and cook over low heat until it is cooked and seasoned with honey.

Function: Eliminate wrinkles, white and tender skin.

Blood tonic and beauty porridge

Ingredients: Sichuan root 3g, then 6g, safflower 2g, astragalus 4g, japonica rice 100g, chicken soup to taste.

(1) Wash the rice;

(2) Soak in water, cut angelica, Sichuan root, astragalus into thin slices and put into a clean small cloth bag, put it into a clay pot and add chicken soup to boil into a medicinal juice;

(3) Put the japonica rice into the medicinal juice and cook the porridge, and add green onion, salt and ginger when the porridge is thick.

Function: This activates blood and nourishes qi and blood. Women's regular food can adjust menstrual blood replenishment, rejuvenation and beauty.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Walnut ejiao paste

Ingredients: 500g of red dates (pitted), 150g of walnut meat, 150g of guiyuan meat, 150g of black sesame seeds (stir-fried), 250g of ejiao, 250g of rock sugar, 500g of rice wine.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Function: health maintenance, skin care and beauty, often taken after winter, can make the skin bodybuilding, radiant

White ear cherry soup

Ingredients: 50g of white fungus, 30g of cherry, osmanthus flowers, rock sugar to taste.

First melt the rock sugar, add the white fungus to cook for about 10 minutes, then add the cherry and osmanthus flowers to boil, and then eat it casually

Function: This soup has the effect of tonifying qi, nourishing blood, white and tender skin, and beautifying the face.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Red face soup

Ingredients: 50g of red dates, 100g of black fungus with water hair, sugar to taste.

Wash the water fungus to remove impurities, cut into small pieces, pit the red dates, add water to the wok and cook until the dates and fungus are cooked, add sugar to taste and eat.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Function: Regular food can make the face rosy, youthful and glowing, this soup is especially beneficial to women.

Walnut porridge


20 grams of walnut meat, 100-200 grams of japonica rice. Wash and mash the walnut meat and cook it with japonica rice to form a porridge


Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, replenish the kidneys and solidify the sperm, moisturize the intestines and laxative


People with sputum fire, heat or diarrhea should not eat

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Ginger jujube porridge

6-9 grams of fresh ginger or dried ginger, 100-150 grams of japonica rice or glutinous rice, and 2-4 jujubes. Wash and chop the ginger and cook it with rice and dates to form a porridge.

Warm stomach to disperse cold, warm lungs to dissolve phlegm

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

People with yin deficiency or pregnant women should eat with caution.

Carrot porridge

50 grams of fresh carrots and 200 grams of japonica rice. Cut the carrots into small slices and cook with japonica rice. First boil over a low flame, then simmer slowly.

Stomach tonic spleen, digestive effect.

Yam chestnut porridge

15-30 grams of yam, 50 grams of chestnuts, 2-4 jujubes, 100 grams of japonica rice. After the chestnuts are shelled, they are cooked with yams, dates, and japonica rice to form a porridge.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Yam taste sweet and flat, can supplement the spleen and stomach, benefit the lungs and kidneys, especially suitable for those with spleen and kidney qi deficiency

It is not advisable to eat more at one time, otherwise it is easy to stagnate, resulting in indigestion.


30-50 grams of coriander, 100-200 grams of japonica rice. Put the two in the same pot, add water to a boil, and then simmer over low heat.

Solid kidney astringent, healthy spleen and anti-diarrhea, suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat.

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

Guiyuan corn porridge

Hands-on DIY beauty health porridge, this winter is not cold at all!

15 grams of cinnamon balls, 100-200 grams of corn. Wash the cinnamon balls and cook them with corn. First boil over a low flame and then simmer over low heat to form porridge.

Cinnamon meat has a sweet and warm taste, which can nourish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit.


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