
3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

author:Tachibana Angakusha

Before, Baizhu heard a grandmother in the community who was nearly 70 years old say that she was not afraid that she would not live long, but she was afraid that she would be paralyzed in a wheelchair until the end.

Yes, if a person lives a long life, but is riddled with diseases and cannot take care of himself, then he will not be happy.

Nowadays, more and more people are looking for various ways to maintain their health, in addition to prolonging their lives, they also want to enjoy a higher quality of life in their later years.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

Today, Baizhu will share with you the 100-year-old medicine king Sun Simiao's thirteen methods of health preservation, the head is often shaken, the waist is often swinged, and the knees are often twisted, and it is not difficult to practice for 5 minutes every day, from head to toe meridians, it is not difficult to live a long and healthy life!

The head is often shaken, and the neck is soothed and the brain is strengthened

Many people maintain the same posture for a long time, such as sitting for a long time, working with their heads down, watching TV, looking at their mobile phones, etc., which invisibly brings a lot of pressure to the shoulder and neck area.

Once blocked, it will lead to poor qi and blood in the whole body, and the meridians will be blocked, which will then cause shoulder and neck pain, stiffness, cervical spondylosis, dizziness, headache, memory loss and other brain problems, which will seriously affect our quality of life and work and study efficiency.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

Therefore, shoulder and neck care is crucial!

The first action recommended to you today is: Sun Simiao's "head often shakes".

Action Points:

Cross your hands on your hips, close your eyes, hang your head, slowly turn to the right, and then return to the original position, so that it counts as 1 time, a total of 6 times, and the opposite direction is also done 6 times, or you can alternate left and right.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

However, be careful to shake slowly to avoid dizziness.

We often move the neck in this way, which can stimulate the arteries and blood vessels in the neck, relax the muscles around the head and neck, and promote better blood delivery to the brain, so that the whole person has a mental head and the eyes will be brighter.

Usually, you can take 1 minute to stand up and do it, and relax your head and neck.

The waist is often swinging, strengthening the kidney and strengthening the waist

Although there are many kinds of low back pain, such as cold and damp low back pain, damp and hot low back pain, blood stasis and low back pain, kidney deficiency and low back pain, etc., most of them are kidney deficiency and low back pain.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says that "the waist, the house of the kidneys, can't shake, and the kidneys will be exhausted"

Because the waist is the residence of the kidneys, the essence of the kidneys covers the waist, and the warmth and nourishment of the waist are very close.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

If the kidney qi is sufficient, the lumbar spine is strong, and if the kidney qi is weak, the wind, cold, and dampness will take advantage of the weakness to enter, which in turn will lead to poor waist meridians and stagnation of evil qi, causing cramps and pain in the waist.

So how to replenish kidney qi? In fact, waist exercise is a good method, and often swinging the waist can strengthen the circulation of qi and blood in the waist and play a role in strengthening the kidney qi.

The second action I want to recommend today is Sun Simiao's "waist pendulum".

Action Points:

Stand, feet shoulder-width apart, gently twist the waist, while the body and hands follow the waist rhythmic swing, when the body twists to the left, the right hand in front, the left hand in the back, in front of the right palm gently pat the lower abdomen, in the back of the left palm gently pat the waist of the human body "life" point, repeat in the opposite direction, do 50-100 times.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

The kidney is congenital, the spleen is acquired, and the spleen and stomach are mainly transported, which depends on the role of the fire of the kidney gate, the so-called congenital warmth and nurture.

Therefore, frequent swinging of the waist can not only strengthen kidney qi and relieve low back pain, but also strengthen the stomach and intestines, regulate indigestion, and relieve stomach pain.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

In addition, we must beware of waist fat, the more fat in the waist, the farther away from health, especially those who have abdominal obesity, you can also turn your waist more.

The knees are often twisted, and the muscles and legs are strengthened

As the saying goes, "people grow old before they grow old", if a person walks every time he lifts his feet, it is difficult to walk, he walks very slowly, he has to rest for a while, and he looks several years older than his peers.

Therefore, if you want to maintain health and vitality, you can't ignore the exercise and maintenance of your legs.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

How to exercise the legs and feet, the third action recommended by Baizhu is Sun Simiao's "knee twisting".

Action Points:

When twisting the knees, with your feet side by side and your knees close together, the person squats down slightly, gently presses the knees with both hands, slowly twists to the left, does 20 times, then twists to the right, and repeats 20 times.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

Do this knee twist often, 3 major benefits come uninvited:

(1) Dredging blood vessels: Knee twisting can help dredge the blood vessels of the lower limbs, promote blood circulation, and help relieve fatigue and weakness in the lower limbs.

(2) Strengthen the lower limbs: knee-twisting can make the lower limbs strong and powerful, and the gait is steady, and the muscles and ligaments around the knee joint can be exercised through the action of twisting the knee, and the stability and strength of the lower limbs can be improved.

(3) Flexible knee joint: Through the action of twisting the knee, the acupuncture points around the knee joint can be stimulated, so as to achieve the effect of relaxing the muscles and activating the blood, and activating the meridians, so as to prevent and alleviate knee joint diseases

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

Friends with stiff knee joints can usually do a few more groups, but if you have knee joint disease, you should exercise according to your own situation, and if you feel uncomfortable, don't force it.

3 movements, one practice a day, the meridians lead from head to toe, relax the neck and strengthen the brain, strengthen the kidneys and waist!

About Sun Simiao's "head often shakes, waist often swings, knees often twist" action points are shared here, you can insist on practicing according to your own situation, you can also share this "health" with more relatives and friends you care about, everyone together to relax the neck and brain, strengthen the kidney and waist, strengthen the muscles and legs!