
For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

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Wen | Fu Zhenghao

Sports big business reporter

For China, which has long been trapped in the bottleneck of "strong ice and weak snow", Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, ski geniuses, shine a lot at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

At present, the Beijing Winter Olympics are approaching the end, and the Chinese sports delegation is still constantly refreshing its own best results in history. With Gu Ailing winning the gold medal in women's U-shaped track skills in freestyle skiing with an absolute advantage on the morning of February 18, the Chinese sports delegation temporarily ranked fourth in the gold medal list with a score of 8 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze. It should be known that before the Beijing Winter Olympics, China participated in the 11 Winter Olympics and only won 13 golds, and the previous single best result was 5 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Today, the Chinese sports delegation not only continues to set new record in history, but what is even more valuable is that for the first time in China's history, the number of gold medals in snow sports exceeds that of ice events.

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

China's snow players have won 5 gold and 2 silver so far in this Winter Olympic Games, of which Gu Ailing has won 2 gold and 1 silver, Su Yiming has won 1 gold and 1 silver, and two "four dynasties elders" Xu Mengtao and Qi Guangpu have each won 1 gold. Prior to the Winter Olympics, China had won only one snow gold medal in its previous 11 appearances at the Winter Olympics (Han Xiaopeng at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin). At the same time, the Winter Olympics have always paid attention to "those who get the snow to get the world", and the snow sports are the mainstream sports of the Winter Olympic Games, not only the competition has more items, but also the overall attention and commercial value are higher. Taking the Beijing Winter Olympics as an example, there are 109 sub-events in this Winter Olympics, including 33 on ice and 76 on snow, more than double the number of ice events. Moreover, the first gold medal of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the closing ceremony of the final event are cross-country skiing, which shows its transcendent status in the Winter Olympics.

China's snow sports in this Winter Olympics can rise strongly, and gradually launch an impact on the strong projects of European and American ice and snow powers, thanks to the brilliance of Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, a pair of ski geniuses. With the emergence of these two young players, not only their personal commercial value has increased significantly, but also is expected to drive the Chinese ski industry to make up for the shortcomings, skiing is gradually moving from niche and unpopular to the public and popular.

Gu Ailing endorsement annual income of 220 million yuan, Su Yiming's agent daily refused a hundred invitations

With Gu Ailing and Su Yiming as China's new generation of high-quality sports stars, they have also quickly become idols of "Generation Z" young people with stronger spending power. In addition, the niche projects they are engaged in are given the label of cool trends, which are quite marketable in Europe and the United States, so they are highly sought after by various trend brands, and they are expected to be the spokespersons of Chinese local brands when they go overseas in the future.

According to the incomplete statistics of sports business, Gu Ailing currently has at least 27 formal endorsement contracts, and many of them are internationally renowned brands, and Gu Ailing is undoubtedly the player with the highest commercial value in this Winter Olympic Games. The brands it endorses are:

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

Anecdotally, after Gu Ailing won the gold medal at the World Extreme Games in 2021, her endorsement fee standard soared from the previous $1 million / year to 2 million to 2.5 million US dollars / year, and gu Ailing's annual endorsement income is at least 220 million yuan (about 35 million US dollars). With its winning 2 gold and 1 silver at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing's popularity around the world has further increased, and its endorsement fee standards will certainly rise significantly. Gu Ailing's ability to absorb gold has surpassed other Chinese sports stars of the same period, even compared with Liu Xiang at her peak.

As for Su Yiming, according to incomplete statistics, there are 12 brands that currently maintain cooperative relations with Burton, Monster Enegry, Oakely, Goski, Snow Lake Capital, KFC, Adidas, Qingyang, Buick, Xiulike, Yuanqi Forest, Yili and so on. With Su Yiming winning 1 gold and 1 silver at the Beijing Winter Olympics, many brands have also begun to issue endorsement invitations to him. However, according to the "First Finance" report, Su Yiming's agent, Yang Ran, director of Endeavor's brokerage business in China, said that he was not in a hurry to liquidate, and refused at least 100 endorsement invitations from at least 100 people every day. (Extended reading: "Turning down 100 endorsements a day!") Su Yiming's Business Coming of Age Ceremony"

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

Yang Ran said: "Xiaoming's career is still long, and he can participate in at least two Winter Olympics. So we are not in a hurry to let him cash out, and the brands he endorses in the future must be able to bless each other, rather than borrowing traffic to cut a wave of 'leeks'. Yang Ran's attitude towards the swarming business offers is very cautious, "Now I refuse 100 people a day, and the biggest workload every day is to decline (endorsements). ”

From the perspective of competition rules, Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, two ski talents born in 2003 and 2004 respectively, have just entered the golden period of individual competition, and have not really entered the peak period, and the two can participate in at least two Winter Olympic Games in the future. In this sense, the two men's business map has only just been rolled out.

The multi-platform ski tourism data increased sharply year-on-year, and Gu Ailing successfully learned to ski with fire training

The popularity of Gu Ailing and Su Yiming at the Beijing Winter Olympics not only made their commercial value soar, but also made the entire Chinese ski industry heat up rapidly. The stock market not only appeared Gu Ailing concept stocks, but also a number of listed companies were urged by investors to sign Su Yiming. According to the sports big business reporter, from ski equipment manufacturing, competition performances, ski service, ski training to ski tourism, ski investment and financing, are highly sought after during the Beijing Winter Olympics. Here, the sports business focuses on the popularity of ski tourism, ski training and other subdivisions during the Winter Olympics.

In terms of ski tourism, as Gu Ailing won the gold, the Chengdu Xindu Jianfeng Dry Snow Four Seasons Ski Resort, which had conducted pre-race training, also quickly gained people's attention, and the real-time search popularity of the ski resort on the same trip travel platform immediately rose to 15 times that of weekdays. On the whole, ski tourism has become one of the mainstream options for tourism during this year's Spring Festival. A few days ago, tongcheng travel released the "2022 Spring Festival Holiday Travel Consumption Data Report" shows that during the Spring Festival in 2022, the order volume of ice and snow scenic spots nationwide increased by 68% compared with the same period last year's Spring Festival. Among them, outdoor skating rinks, ski slopes, ice and snow theme parks and other scenic spots and venues that can experience ice and snow sports are particularly interesting.

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

According to the data of Tujia Homestay, after Gu Ailing won the first gold of the individual, the real-time search popularity of the theme homestay with "skiing" as the keyword on the platform increased by 3 times from the previous month. The "2022 Spring Festival Ice and Snow Tourism Big Data" released by Fliggy also shows that the order volume of ice and snow tourism related goods in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger increased by more than 30% year-on-year, and whether it is the south or the north, rich and diverse ice and snow activities have become the hot choice for consumption of this Spring Festival.

According to the "China Ice and Snow Tourism Development Report (2022)" released by the China Tourism Research Institute, the number of ice and snow leisure tourists on the mainland is expected to reach 305 million in the ice and snow season from 2021 to 2022. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of ice and snow tourists on the mainland will exceed 500 million person-times, the domestic ice and snow tourism revenue will exceed 1.1 trillion yuan, and the industrial scale will account for nearly 1/5 of the entire sports industry. The "National Ice and Snow Venue Facilities Construction Plan (2016-2022)" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and others pointed out that by 2022, the number of ski resorts should reach 800, the area of ski slopes should reach 100 million square kilometers, the length of ski slopes should reach 3500 kilometers, and the number of new ski resorts should not be less than 240.

In terms of ski training, Gu Ailing's life has made many Chinese parents envious, and during this Winter Olympics, many Chinese teenagers began to go on the snow under the influence of Gu Ailing, a high-quality idol. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha and other cities have seen news of training institutions competing to seize indoor simulated ski resorts during the Winter Olympics. According to the Mob Research Institute's "2020 China Ski Industry White Paper", from 2014 to 2019, the size of China's ski training market increased from 4.2 billion yuan to 6.91 billion yuan, an average annual growth rate of 10.47%.

In addition, Jingdong's data shows that during this Spring Festival, the overall turnover of ski sports products increased by 322% year-on-year, of which the turnover of ski masks reached 15 times year-on-year, and the sales of ski pants, ski goggles, snowboards, ski clothes, and ski shoes also achieved higher growth. The sales of ski products have increased significantly, mainly because there are a large number of parents who place orders, and the standard products in ski equipment are snow goggles, storm jackets, skis, ski helmets, knee pads, and hip pads, which are often packaged and purchased, and the average price of thousands of yuan or even tens of thousands of yuan is the norm. After Gu Ailing's success story was widely disseminated, parents hoped that their children would be able to participate in skiing. If you can let your children become Gu Ailing or Su Yiming in the process of interest cultivation, wouldn't it be another legend? (Extended reading: "How hard is it to become Gu Ailing?") 》)

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

Of course, at present, the mainland ice and snow industry is still in the initial stage of development. Both the quality of ski equipment and the number of snow fields have a big gap with the ice and snow powers in Europe and the United States, but at the same time, China, the world's largest consumer market, undoubtedly has huge ski consumption potential. The State General Administration of Sport has made plans in the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)", and the total scale of the mainland ice and snow industry will reach 1 trillion yuan in 2025. At present, 346 million people on the mainland have participated in ice and snow sports, and the participation rate of ice and snow sports is 24.56%. In the post-Beijing Winter Olympics period, the long tail effect of the Winter Olympics will be gradually released, and the cool and fashionable Chinese ski industry will have great potential.

Note: The images used in this article are from the Internet

For the first time in Chinese history, snow is stronger than ice! Gu Ailing and Su Yiming effect bring fire ice and snow industry

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