
Doctors live broadcasts need to tighten the strings of the rules at all times

author:Health News


Doctors live broadcasts need to tighten the strings of the rules at all times

Recently, a hospital where male doctors live-streamed gynecological surgery on a video platform was warned by the local health bureau and fined 50,000 yuan for violating the medical information security system and the imperfect protection measures, resulting in the leakage of medical information. Previously, the doctor concerned had been disqualified, dismissed from public office and investigated. Relevant departments have seriously pursued responsibility and accountability for 11 relevant personnel, and personnel with direct management responsibilities and important leadership responsibilities have been dismissed.

As a medical administrator, the author is very sensitive to the privacy protection of patients. The behavior of the doctors involved not only violates professional ethics and consumes the patient's trust in the doctor, but also challenges the moral bottom line of the society and the dignity of the law.

Looking back at this matter now, I find out how important and difficult it is for doctors to establish regulatory awareness. According to the available information, the doctor involved was on duty for gynecological surgery and had other colleagues around at the time, but it seems that the colleague did not remind or block the live broadcast of the doctor. Perhaps, they think that since other professional breast and abdomen can be broadcast live, what does it matter if the gynecological surgery is broadcast live. This also suggests that medical institutions should pay special attention to the training of doctors' professional ethics and practice rules.

Nowadays, live broadcasting is becoming more and more popular, the threshold is getting lower and lower, and the participation of doctors is getting higher and higher. It's good to get your expertise and helpful messages to people live. However, once the live broadcast breaks through the boundaries of what it should be, regardless of the occasion and content, it will push the good thing to the opposite. For doctors, in addition to paying attention to the live broadcast to protect the patient's right to know and privacy, avoiding misleading the public is also a factor that needs to be considered. For example, some doctors live stream goods, and some people promote controversial health care concepts during live broadcasts. Once the doctor introduces and recommends the product, it is inevitable that there is a suspicion of endorsing the product manufacturer, and these acts can even be regarded as advertising, subject to the advertising law and the anti-unfair competition law, and if you are not careful, you may be suspected of deceiving and misleading the public and breaking the law.

In this live broadcast incident, the hospitals and personnel involved were handled as a warning to the industry. For such a new thing as live broadcasting, medical institutions and medical staff must always tighten the strings of the rules, otherwise, it is likely to ruin their careers.

Doctors live broadcasts need to tighten the strings of the rules at all times

Text: Zheng Shanhai, deputy director of the medical department and director of the emergency department of the Emergency General Hospital

Editor: Guan Zhongyao

Review: Xu Bingnan Yan Gong

Doctors live broadcasts need to tighten the strings of the rules at all times
Doctors live broadcasts need to tighten the strings of the rules at all times
Doctors live broadcasts need to tighten the strings of the rules at all times

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