
Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs

On February 18, Beijing time, the MRI results of Lakers star Anthony Davis came out, and he was diagnosed with a midfoot sprain and is expected to undergo a re-evaluation after 4 weeks. Although it is fortunate that the thick eyebrows are not broken, he needs to be injured for at least 4 weeks, which is still a heavy blow for the Lakers who urgently need to improve their record.

Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs
Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs
Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs

Medical experts have said that according to the grading of sprains, the first degree is a minor sprain that requires 1-2 weeks of rehabilitation; the second is a moderate sprain (partial tear of the ligament), which requires 3-4 weeks of rehabilitation; the third is a severe sprain (complete tear of the ligament), which requires 4-6 weeks of rehabilitation, and 6 weeks is still unstable, requiring surgery. Previously, US media analysis said that the thick eyebrow is most likely a second-degree sprain.

Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs

Against the Jazz, the Lakers completed a reversal, and James blasted down 33 points, but it was a painful victory. In the second quarter of the game, when the thick eyebrow landed on the ground, his right foot stepped on Gobert's heel, and he was sprained at 90 degrees, and he couldn't bear to look directly. Thick eyebrows clutched his ankles, a look of pain, slapping the floor. James was livid, Vogel was overwhelmed, and eventually, thick eyebrows left the court with howard and Jordan Jr.

Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs
Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs

Thick eyebrows were X-rayed for the first time, fortunately there was no fracture, but his injury was still more serious, James revealed after the game that thick eyebrows need to walk on crutches. ESPN's news yesterday was that thick eyebrows were absent for at least two weeks, and after suffering a sprain, the right ankle had quickly developed severe swelling symptoms. Now it seems that the thick eyebrows are going to be absent for a longer time.

Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs

So far this season, Thick Brow has played in 37 games for the Lakers, averaging 23.1 points, 9.7 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game, shooting 53.7% from the field. Of the 21 games he missed due to injury, the Lakers lost 10-11. Without him, it would have been harder for the Lakers to hit the playoffs. Medical experts list the injuries suffered in thick eyebrows over the past year: Achilles tendonitis, calf strain (grade II), knee hyperextension, groin strain, MCL sprain (grade II), thumb sprain, right ankle sprain. I have to say that the thick eyebrows are really too brittle.

Thick eyebrow NMR results are out! Midfoot sprain rests for at least 4 weeks The Lakers have had a harder time storming the playoffs

The Lakers' final game of the regular season is April 11 against the Nuggets, and if the brow recovers well and the injury does not repeat, he should be able to return to the lineup sometime in late March.

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