
Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

author:Literary and historical brick family

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The famous American communications expert Dave Mock once said, "As long as you use a mobile phone, you should know and appreciate her." This beautiful and sexy female star has made great contributions to the world's wireless communication technology, which no one has yet reached", and the "beautiful and sexy female star" he calls is Heidi Rama, who is known as the "mother of WIFI". So, who is Heidi Rama? As a female star, how did she make proud achievements in the communication industry?

01 One off to fame

Heidi Rama was born in 1914 to a wealthy family in Vienna, Austria, the son of a successful banker and a well-known pianist. As an only child, Heidi Lamar was deeply spoiled by her parents, and because of this, she developed a spontaneous and self-motivated personality from an early age. In 1930, in order to pursue her artistic dreams, 16-year-old Heidi Rama resolutely gave up her communications major in defiance of her parents' strong opposition and followed the theater director Max Reinhardt to berlin, Germany, to study acting.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Heidi Rama in her youth

At first, Heidi Rama could only do the work of a field reporter, but because of her beauty and high level of understanding, she was soon given the opportunity to appear on the big screen, and her debut was "Money on the Street". Although she is only a dragon runner, Heidi Rama's beauty surprises the audience and brings her more performance opportunities. In 1932, Heidi Rama was invited by a Czechoslovak film company to take on the lead role in the art film "The Haunted" and promised to bring the film to the international market, but on the condition that she appeared in full nude.

At the time, conservatism hung over the continent, and women appearing naked in movies would be seen as "unconventional" and would certainly be subject to overwhelming reproach. However, Heidi Rama, who is rebellious and contemptuous of the world, has no fear, and in order to realize her dream of being a heroine, she resolutely accepts the conditions offered by the filmmakers. In this stunning film, 18-year-old Heidi Lamar plays a married charming young woman who has appeared several times in the film, and she has become the first actress in the history of global cinema to appear naked.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Poster of "Haunted"

Coupled with its stunning carcass, the film caused an uproar in Europe at the beginning of its release, even to the condemnation of Pope Pius XII. But at the same time, the film also made Heidi Rama famous, and her amazing beauty irresistibly broke into the minds of the audience and fascinated countless people. A fan of Heidi Rama, Austrian arms tycoon Mandel met his idol at a ball in 1934, fell in love at first sight, and flashed marriage three months later. At that time, Heidi Rama was only 20 years old.

However, Heidi Rama was too stupid and naïve to know that Mandel only coveted her beauty rather than her talent, let alone recognized his arbitrary nature. As a result, Heidi Rama was banned from the film industry shortly after her marriage, let alone go out, not even the freedom to swim and take to the streets. In 1937, Heidi Rama, who was intolerable to this kind of confinement, left the table at a dinner party and fled in a daze with her maid and jumped out of the window, and then fled to Paris, France, by train of the day, thus ending the failed marriage.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Stills of Heidi Rama and Gable

In Paris, Heidi Lamar met Meyer, the owner of the Hollywood MGM company, and traveled to the United States on his recommendation. Over the next ten years, Heidi Lamar has collaborated with clark Gable, James Stewart and many other superstars, and has starred in 15 films such as "Cape Wanderer", "Prosperous Town", "Siegfried Girl" and other 15 films, creating her own sky in the star-studded Hollywood. However, Hollywood pays far more attention to Heidi Rama's beauty than it recognizes her acting skills, always assigning her some "vase" roles, which over time makes Heidi Rama tired and has the idea of quitting the film and television industry.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Heidi Rama was married 6 times in her life, but all ended in failure

Even more frustrating to Heidi Lamar is that in less than 30 years since leaving Mandel, she has married writer Jean Markey, British actor John Lord, orchestra conductor Ernest Stover, oil merchant Howard Lee, and lawyer Lewis Bowles, but each marriage has ultimately failed. Like Mandel, these men see Heidi Rama as a beautiful doll, who quickly loses enthusiasm once they succeed and refuse to manage their feelings.

02 "The Mother of WIFI"

Two years after Heidi Lamar went to Hollywood to develop, World War II broke out, and out of hatred for Nazi Germany, she decided to use her expertise in communications to help the Allies. In 1939, Heidi Rama met the musician and gland specialist George Anthel and asked him how to make the bigger. Unexpectedly, the conversation between the two eventually shifted from glands to weapons, and Anthyr presented Heidi Rama with an idea that the idea of "skipping frequencies" could be achieved by borrowing the practice of automatic pianos.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Heidi Rama with musician Anthyre

With this brilliant idea, Heidi Rama acted during the day and worked overtime with Anthyr at night to develop FM technology, and finally jointly designed an advanced aircraft navigation system in early 1940. In this system, Anthel conceived of a pair of paper rolls, placed in airplanes and torpedoes, to specify the order of frequency of change. In 1941, Heidi Rama and Anthyr finally completed the study and patented the design of their "frequency hopping" device, which is the "spread spectrum communication technology" of the 21st century.

In August 1942, after receiving her patent certificate, Heidi Rama announced that she would donate the patent to the U.S. government in the hope of helping to win the war. However, in a joint meeting between the Navy and the National Board of Inventions and the FBI, participants were not interested in the new technology and questioned Heidi Rama's scientific research capabilities. Not only that, but because of Mandel's connections, the FBI even doubted Heidi Lamar's loyalty to the United States and suggested that she should use her pretty face to help the government sell war bonds instead of doing scientific research.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Heidi Rama in research

Devastated, Heidi Rama gave up her research to focus on acting, and the "frequency hopping technique" invented by her eventually failed to be applied in World War II. It wasn't until the 1950s that Heidi's invention was widely used in military computer chips, and the technology inspired scientists to be widely used in the development of mobile phones, wireless phones, and Internet protocols to enable many people to use radio signals in the same frequency band. Not only that, but the U.S. military has also developed a number of products based on this, including a remotely controlled unmanned aircraft used in the Vietnam War.

In 1985, Qualcomm was founded in San Diego, a small company that was still unknown at the time, and it was on the basis of "frequency hopping" technology that it finally developed the CDMA wireless digital communication system, and thus embarked on a rapid development track. Today, Qualcomm has become the leader of the global communications industry, ranking among the world's top 500 companies, but few people know that the CDMA wireless digital communication system developed by this company has a theoretical source of the long-gone Pornstar Heidi Rama.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Heidi Rama's scientific achievements won him honors half a century later

Fortunately, history has not forgotten Heidi Rama. In 1997, when CDMA-based communication technology began to enter mass life, the scientific community finally remembered Heidi Rama, the founder of the "frequency hopping technology" theory. To this end, the Electronic Frontier Foundation awarded Heidi Rama the "Electronic Frontier Fund - Pioneer Award" that year in recognition of her great contributions to the communications industry. Not only that, the scientific community unanimously honored Heidi Rama as the "mother of CDMA" and "the mother of WIFI", and Boeing has also released a series of promotional advertisements to commemorate this technological woman.

03 Bleak old age

In 1958, Heidi Rama announced that she would stop filming and become the owner, producer and director of the production company, but this experience was quite a failure, and after 9 years of hard work, her production company was finally forced to close. During this time, Heidi Rama published a controversial autobiography, which was listed by Playboy magazine as one of the "Top Ten Pornographic Autobiographies of All Time" because of the many aspects of sexual privacy described in the book, and like the role in "Haunted" that year, heidi Rama once again attracted endless criticism.

Heidi Rama, the "Mother of WIFI": Beauty and talent for the benefit of the world, the evening scene is very bleak

Elderly Heidi Rama

In her later years, Heidi began to degenerate, immersed herself in cosmetic surgery and drugs, and was charged with theft and rape several times, and was even arrested and imprisoned at one point. On January 19, 2000, Heidi Rama died quietly in her sleep at the age of 86. Although Heidi Rama's later years are controversial, she has always been the most beautiful movie star for loyal fans, and she is a respectable technology star for the general public who fully enjoys the convenience of WIFI.


Lori Warmak (U.S.): Heidi Rama, Secret Communication Goddess, Sub-World Press, 2021.

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