
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people


First, learning wants results, and learning from people with results will do more with less. Second, if you choose to believe, you will believe to the end. I have found that only by believing enough in the curriculum and trusting the teacher enough can we really learn and get satisfactory results.


The simplest way for ordinary people to become excellent is to contact more excellent people, close to Zhu and close to ink and black, long-term eyes and ears rendering, more or less themselves will become better.


Recommend Musk's latest interview. Three tips for young people: first, reject the zero-sum mentality and make a positive net contribution to society; second, read more and learn more from people in different professions; and third, find things that overlap with talent. In short, know what you're really interested in.


Ordinary people's children are honestly saving money, saving money to earn money and open source and reduce expenditure. Slowly save money to buy a house and put together social security and commercial insurance. Take care of yourself, and you will be able to take good care of your parents after 30.

Of course, if you think quickly, now the Internet gives young people a lot of flexibility, be a anchor with goods, get a clothing number on Douyin every day, insist on doing it, and if you do a good job, the annual salary is higher than that of civil servants. Maybe encounter a flashpoint, and achieve a big leap forward in an instant. This era gives people a lot of flexibility. But say a thousand ways and ten thousand, no matter how much flexibility you have to work hard + persevere.


Yesterday there was a 25-year-old white Australian who was eaten by a shark in Little Bay. Some Chinese said they saw people being bitten by sharks and then swallowed their upper bodies. There's a video, so I'm not going to play it.

So if you travel to Australia, seaside wilderness, etc., it is not a safe place and you need to be taken by locals. Mainland visitors should keep in mind two things, when swimming at the beach. First, it must be within the shark net. Second, swimming in the sea is different from swimming pools, so try to walk by the rope, and you can catch it at any time.


In order to reduce the cost of batteries, Tesla will not hesitate to borrow a large amount of convertible debt to build a super factory. Companies like GM Ford only want to outsource the dirty work of batteries to South Korean companies. In the end, Tesla's battery competitiveness became stronger and stronger, and GM's tram production could not be resumed since it was discontinued in August 2021 due to the shortage of battery supply. The author is not afraid to do dirty work. That doesn't mean they like to swear rather than profit.


When I am sober, I feel that most people have no relationship between people, and love and being together are two different things. But at night or when I'm drunk, I can't escape asking, "Why the hell," and I just want to be with someone I love, why is it always so hard.


When fatigue, illness, and fasting, people's energy is easy to become relatively low, and when the energy is low, the mood is relatively easy to fall, and the self-confidence is also easy to fall.


The way husband and wife get along, subversive a lot of chicken soup sayings, that is, people need communication to solve problems, but in actual situations, communication does not solve problems, communication will only intensify the problem.


Today I saw a friend send a circle of friends and clear all 4 funds bought in the bank and Alipay. In fact, there is not much money, originally in early 2021, the New Year, chose 4 to do fixed investment, the amount is not large, invested in 2 periods, 3 periods, found all the way down, it stopped. 4, that's 10,000 pieces. More than a year, all selected star managers, this year, I have never seen any of these four profitable ... ... And there is the meaning of sudden loss acceleration ... Look, still have to work seriously, don't fantasize about getting it for free.

Why don't ordinary people make money buying funds. Because everyone comes according to the ranking, the ranking shows that the track was good last year, but the feng shui took turns, so it was often bought at a high level.

Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people
Recommend Musk's latest interview, three tips for young people

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