
Australian post-80s Chinese couples have repeatedly failed to prepare for pregnancy for two and a half years, and have won thousands of dollars by test tubes

Recently, Sally Lian, who lives in Melbourne, was able to celebrate a special Christmas with her daughter Sienna this year.

After two and a half years of disappointment, Lian, 37, and her husband, Brandon Wong, 38, thought they might never have children of their own, but after undergoing IVF surgery, Sienna came into the world on Dec. 11 this year.

Australian post-80s Chinese couples have repeatedly failed to prepare for pregnancy for two and a half years, and have won thousands of dollars by test tubes

(Image source: Herald Sun)

According to the Herald Sun, Lian said: "For years, I've been looking forward to a family of three celebrating Christmas because of how happy it is to see friends celebrating with their children and I'm glad I'm joining the club now." ”

Lian and her husband, who married in 2015, thought they were in good health and had enough time to prepare for pregnancy, so they postponed plans to have children.

Lian said: "We enjoy life, travel everywhere, plan to get pregnant at 34, we don't have any health problems, our lifestyle is relatively healthy, so I never thought about infertility. ”

After two and a half years of trying to conceive naturally, Lian was tested and was shocked to learn that her ovarian reserve function was declining and she had unexplained infertility.

Australian post-80s Chinese couples have repeatedly failed to prepare for pregnancy for two and a half years, and have won thousands of dollars by test tubes

Lian underwent laparoscopic surgery and a failed fertility treatment before embarking on an IVF journey in January. Due to her small number of follicles, several attempts failed, but the couple did not give up on their dream of becoming parents, and in March this year, Lian finally succeeded.

In this regard, expert Lynn Burmeister said that it is extremely important for women to take a proactive approach to their fertility.

"Fertility starts at age 25 and declines rapidly by age 35," she said. ”

"If I had known this information earlier, I would have planned and acted on earlier, or frozen eggs to protect my fertility and provide options for my future," Lian said. ”

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