
Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

After 2022, Huawei only has some other news out, such as the Ark compiler officially announced version 1.0, and then some of the internal testing experience of the Hongmeng OS system, and there is almost no news about mobile phone products.

Although there is a lot of news that the Huawei Mate50 series will be released, there is also a lot of news about the breakthrough of the 5G RF chip, it feels that the new machine is in front of us, but it is still a few key elements, so it has not been officially released.

But what I didn't expect was that Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is still coming, that is, Huawei Mate40E Pro, which not only brings 5G networks, but also Kirin processors.

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

Huawei's once well-established plans are now being implemented

From the current market point of view, it is indeed very difficult to choose a Huawei mobile phone, on the one hand, the price of the product itself is still very high, even if the spot Huawei Mate40 Pro 5G version, the price has not been loosened. However, now that it is 2022, it is still a bit difficult to choose the previous year's model at a high price.

On the other hand, Huawei has very few products on sale, and it is difficult to choose according to its own needs, and it can only be selected through what the official sells and how mobile phone users go.

In this case, Huawei has also begun to launch new actions, because Huawei has always been very fuselage, and this time it may be necessary to start a backup plan.

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

It is reported that Huawei has always been very afraid of a single chip or its foundry to overturn, so it is a double stock. That is to say, at the same time, a foundry was also stocked with some chips, but the Kirin 9000 did not have a problem, and the chip could not meet with everyone.

But now it is different, Huawei's current market pressure is very large, coupled with Yu Chengdong said that it will return in 2023, so it is necessary to hold on to the past 2022 and must start some backup plans, then the Kirin 9000L will also appear.

The point is that when the Kirin 9000L processor was exposed, the new machine equipped with this product also appeared, and it can be said that Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is coming.

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

Will it really be as everyone wants?

According to market breaking data, kirin 9000L is built by Samsung 5nm EUV process, and the overall design is similar to Kirin 9000 and Kirin 9000E, but the configuration has been reduced.

But fortunately, the performance of Kirin 9000L is still not bad, belonging to the ranks of flagships, but in terms of NPU, Kirin 9000L only retains an NPU big core, and Kirin 9000 uses a combination of 2 large cores + 1 microcore.

As well as reducing the main frequency of the CPU large core A77 to 2.86GHz, and then equipped with an 18-core Mali-G78 CPU, it feels that the positioning of the product itself may be slightly lower.

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

It is reported that the new machine that broke the news is Huawei Mate40E Pro, although the Kirin 9000L is weaker, it is still more powerful than the Kirin 990E processor equipped with Huawei Mate40E.

Although I don't know what the pricing of the product itself will be, there are many surprises in this product, including support for 5G networks, which is a very explosive news.

You know, Huawei mobile phones have not released new machines that support 5G networks for a long time, once this revelation is true, then it will really be as everyone wishes, that is, Huawei mobile phones return to the 5G era.

It is worth mentioning that the release time of the Huawei Mate40E Pro has been exposed, and it will be listed next month along with the Huawei P50E (which does not support 5G).

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

It is expected to adopt the new version of Hongmeng OS

It is undeniable that as the leader of domestic high-end flagship mobile phones, Huawei's development pressure in the past two years can be said to be quite large, although it has released the Hongmeng system, but the hardware problems have been plaguing Huawei.

The appearance of Huawei's P50 series and P50Pocket last year was a hope for pollen, although there is no 5G, but the performance of both flagship series is a bit beyond expectations.

In addition, the follow-up Hi Nova series and Dingqiao 5G mobile phones have brought hope to users, but it is inevitable that there is no blessing of Hongmeng OS system.

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

Therefore, when the Huawei Mate40E Pro was exposed, it really had good expectations for users. The key is that these are not the main, the point is that the product itself is expected to have a new version of Hongmeng OS built-in.

Although many new machines are currently using The Hongmeng OS 2.0 version, almost all the new machines released in the future have built-in Hongmeng OS 2.1, and in the recent period, they have also begun to test new features.

That is to say, Huawei Mate40E Pro as a new machine, even if it does not build Hongmeng OS 3.0 version, it will also bring some unique features to attract users, only in this way can consumers have the desire to buy.

Huawei's first new machine in 2022 is exposed: it belongs to the Mate series and supports 5G networks!

Write at the end

Huawei in the mobile phone industry in the past two years has indeed had a very hard time, not that the product is not bought, but there is no mobile phone to sell, a number of giant manufacturers have suppressed Huawei's supply chain, as well as the blockade of overseas markets, which is enough to witness the status and influence of Huawei's mobile phone industry. But now that there is news of a new machine, perhaps in the next development, Huawei will officially start. What do you think of this, welcome to leave a message, like, share.

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