
The 2021 annual party committee (party group) secretary of Jian'an District grasped the grass-roots party building job evaluation and evaluation meeting

author:Jian'an financial media
The 2021 annual party committee (party group) secretary of Jian'an District grasped the grass-roots party building job evaluation and evaluation meeting

On February 16, Jian'an District held the 2021 annual party committee (party group) secretary to grasp the grass-roots party building debriefing and evaluation meeting. Ma Hao, secretary of the district party committee, stressed: It is necessary to conduct in-depth analysis and study, come up with real tricks, adopt effective measures, focus on rectification, reform, and upgrading, forge the grass-roots party organizations into stronger and more powerful, and provide a powerful guarantee for the socialist modernization drive in Jian'an District. District Governor Gao Yan, District Leaders Li Jie, Li Zhihu, Guo Linlin, Zhang Guozhi, Li Daxing, Chu Chaohui, Li Menglong, and Zhen Yaohui attended the meeting.

The 2021 annual party committee (party group) secretary of Jian'an District grasped the grass-roots party building job evaluation and evaluation meeting
The 2021 annual party committee (party group) secretary of Jian'an District grasped the grass-roots party building job evaluation and evaluation meeting

Ma Hao pointed out that 2021 is an extremely critical and extraordinary year. Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, party organizations at all levels throughout the region have, in accordance with the requirements of the deployment of the district party committee, led and guaranteed the "first priority" of development with the "first responsibility" of party building, charged ahead in major tasks such as project construction, epidemic prevention and flood prevention, rural revitalization, and improvement of the living environment, overcame difficulties, and handed over a qualified answer sheet in the big war examination. Grassroots organizations are the foundation of all the party's work and combat effectiveness, and we should earnestly enhance our political consciousness and action consciousness in doing a good job in party building at the grass-roots level, and strive to build the branches stronger, grasp the grass-roots units more firmly, lay a more solid foundation, and forge the grass-roots party organizations stronger and more powerful.

Ma Hao demanded that we should enhance our political standing and enhance our political consciousness. Strengthen the consciousness of grasping the "greatest political achievements", enhance the initiative in performing the "first responsibility", enhance the timeliness of guaranteeing the "first priority", make precise efforts from point to point, plan and advance in a down-to-earth manner, promote all work to grasp in a down-to-earth manner and run toward the goal, and strive to achieve high-quality economic development, high-level urban and rural construction, and high-quality people's masses. It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of the grass-roots units and build a strong fighting fortress. Strengthen organizational construction, continue to deepen the construction of party committees in rural communities, continue to rectify weak and sluggish grass-roots party organizations, and solemnize political life within the party. Strengthen the construction of the team, lead the officers to start a business with the correct employment orientation, grasp the "head goose", continue to strengthen the construction of the reserve force at the village level, and continue to do a good job in "introducing and managing talents". Comprehensively grasp party building in all fields, pay attention to improving the level of urban party building, comprehensively promote the creation of "red properties", and do a good job in cultivating party building demonstration points for "two new" organizations at different levels and classifications.

Ma Hao stressed that it is necessary to strengthen multi-party linkage and improve governance efficiency. Sing well and play the heli card. Give full play to the leading role of grass-roots party organizations, the basic role of mass autonomy, the guarantee role of rule of law construction, the role of indoctrination in moral construction, and the supporting role of digital governance and wisdom governance, improve the level of modernization of regional social governance, and create a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. It is necessary to increase capital investment and enhance support capabilities. Improve the guarantee mechanism, improve the level of support, broaden the space for development, improve service facilities, and strengthen service functions. It is necessary to adhere to the leadership of party building and serve the overall situation of the center. Actively innovate the carrier of party building work, comprehensively promote the "3310" party building activities of village-level party organizations, and promote the overall improvement of the quality of party building. Carry out the "Year of Ability and Work Style Construction" activities, forge a hard style and real skills in work practice, and create a strong atmosphere of "standing up with hard work and speaking with actual achievements". Make every effort to serve the overall situation of high-quality development, and promote the resonance of grass-roots party building and central work at the same frequency. It is necessary to tighten the responsibility of compaction and gather strong synergy. Closely follow the chain of responsibility of "secretaries grasping and grasping secretaries", establish a list of responsibilities that can be implemented, comparable, and identifiable, promote the secretaries of party committees (party groups) at all levels and departments to conscientiously implement the responsibility of "the first responsible person", promote the comprehensive progress and comprehensive excellence of grass-roots party building work in the whole region, and strive to provide a strong guarantee for high-quality economic development, high-level urban and rural construction, and high-quality people's masses.

At the meeting, the party secretaries of Hejie Township, Yulin Township, Wunudian Town, Zhangpan Town, Lingjing Town, Suqiao Town, Jiangguanchi Town, Jiang Liji Town, Chen Cao Township, Shujian Township, Xiaozhao Township, Guicun Township, and Aizhuang Township, secretaries of the Party Working Committee of Xu you Subdistrict, Xinyuan Subdistrict, and Changsheng Subdistrict, and secretaries of the District Work Committee respectively made on-site reports, and Ma Hao commented on them one by one. Other district-level units and departments made written reports. An on-site evaluation was conducted.

Reporter: Huang Kun, Wang Miao, Jingxian

Editor: Caixia Guo

Review: Zhang Xiangchao Shi Lijuan

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