
As a practical art, the first purpose of clothing design is to beautify the shape of the clothing wearer with clothing and ornaments. Make full use of its beautiful physical characteristics, while making up for the lack of human beauty

author:Uniform design

As a practical art, the first purpose of clothing design is to beautify the shape of the clothing wearer with clothing and ornaments. Make full use of its beautiful physical characteristics, while making up for the lack of beauty of the human body. The artistry of professional wear design from the perspective of the perceptual factors of the clothing itself, is the comprehensive consideration of the shape, color, material, craft, popularity, etc. that constitute the beauty of clothing art, and the professional wear designer needs to investigate the object of professional dress. occasion. objective. Professional. psychology. Physiological requirements, thus proposing the best design scheme.

In addition to beautifying the personal image and showing the personality and temperament of the dresser, the artistry of professional wear also lies in conveying the industry. Corporate image, professional attire and working environment. Together, the quality of service constitutes the overall artistic image of the industry. Elegant workplace. Fashionable and appropriate professional wear, coupled with the standard specification of cordial service, is the perfect unified artistic image of the service industry, and the effect of this overall beauty is to improve the visibility of the industry and promote sales.

Enhancing the cohesion of the enterprise is indispensable. Therefore, the artistry of professional wear design is equally important for individuals and industry images. In addition to sleep time, the rest of the time has one or more time to work, in all kinds of interpersonal interactions, almost all of them are in the work of both parties or at least one party, people are exposed to professional clothing, such as meetings, negotiations, receptions and other occasions, its artistry is expressed through its formal beauty factors. #Uniform Design # #工作服设计 #

As a practical art, the first purpose of clothing design is to beautify the shape of the clothing wearer with clothing and ornaments. Make full use of its beautiful physical characteristics, while making up for the lack of human beauty
As a practical art, the first purpose of clothing design is to beautify the shape of the clothing wearer with clothing and ornaments. Make full use of its beautiful physical characteristics, while making up for the lack of human beauty
As a practical art, the first purpose of clothing design is to beautify the shape of the clothing wearer with clothing and ornaments. Make full use of its beautiful physical characteristics, while making up for the lack of human beauty

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