
People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

Constipation is experienced by many people, the number of bowel movements is reduced, it is difficult to defecate, the stool is dry, causing defecation to be laborious, and it may also cause rupture of the hepatic hilars and unbearable pain.

The number of bowel movements per day in normal people is one to two times, while the number of bowel movements in patients with constipation is only once a few days. Many people suffer from constipation for a long time and suffer from pain.

Here are a few tips to help you stay away from constipation and say "goodbye" to constipation!

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

1. Every meal must eat vegetables

Vegetables contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which in addition to providing a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, fiber can make the stool volume larger, more conducive to excretion.

Eating enough vegetables every day can effectively solve the problem of constipation. Vegetables can be fried and eaten, or they can be blanched and put into a juicer and beaten into vegetable puree.

Boiled vegetables in white water is the least destructive way to save vegetable nutrition. In addition, constipation patients are best to eat less foods that can cause flatulence, in addition to the well-known potatoes are easy to bloat, taro, peanuts, soybeans are also easy to cause bloating, to eat as little as possible.

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

2. Drink more water in a planned way

Drinking plenty of water is good for your health. Drinking water can moisturize the intestines and help with bowel movements. Water also transports various nutrients, participates in the formation of metabolism, expands the fibers of the large intestine, and softens the feces.

There are so many benefits to drinking water, so drink water with a plan and don't wait until you are thirsty.

Drink at least 1500 ml of water a day to meet your body's water needs. People who always forget to drink water can set themselves a small alarm clock and drink a glass of water when the time comes.

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

3. Maintain a certain amount of exercise

Exercise can mobilize the participation of organs throughout the body, accelerate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, help the water in the body to swim away, and promote defecation. Exercise can increase resistance, improve physical fitness, and is very beneficial to all aspects of the body. So it's very important to get into the habit of exercising.

Exercise for at least half an hour a day and insist on exercising no less than 5 days a week. You can choose the sport that suits you, you can swim, run, walk, play tai chi, or do yoga and jump rope when it is inconvenient to go out. Maintaining a certain amount of exercise per day can effectively help with bowel movements.

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

4. Do not eat food on fire

Constipated patients, to avoid eating irritating food, spicy food is easy to cause fire, there are some special treatment, fried, smoked food is not suitable to eat.

People who already have constipation should try not to eat. People who do not have constipation should also try to eat as little as possible.

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

5. Adequate intake of protein

Protein can increase gastrointestinal motility, make gastrointestinal peristalsis more powerful, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Protein-rich foods include lean beef, lean pork, and probiotic-rich yogurt.

These can help people with constipation improve constipation. Yogurt, in particular, is a good helper for laxatives.

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

The above shared a few tips to improve constipation, constipation should first look for reasons from daily life, pay attention to the rules of eating in daily life, try not to stay up late, do not eat spicy and stimulating foods, drink more water and eat more vegetables, and usually eat some laxative fruits for the purpose of eating, such as bananas, dragon fruit, apples, pears, etc.

People who have been plagued by constipation for a long time, mastering these 5 methods may be able to effectively help you alleviate constipation

It should also be noted that although constipation is not a big deal, it cannot be ignored. Constipation may be a symptom of some diseases, so when there is unexplained constipation, or long-term constipation but through the daily life diet adjustment is fruitless, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time for further examination to prevent missing the effective treatment period and delaying the disease.

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