
#Today's Headlines Micro Headlines ##Gold Powder Community #The beauty of the world does not depend on the world but on the heart time you see the world, leaving us not only the wrinkles on the face but also the success

author:Fresh Coke K

#Today's Headlines# #Gold Powder Community#

The beauty of the world

It doesn't depend on the world

It depends

You see the heart of the world

Time is left to us

It shouldn't just be wrinkles on the face

There should also be mature thoughts

Courage to face life

And laugh at the attitude of life

#Simple Life Day ##情感录语 #

#Today's Headlines Micro Headlines ##Gold Powder Community #The beauty of the world does not depend on the world but on the heart time you see the world, leaving us not only the wrinkles on the face but also the success
#Today's Headlines Micro Headlines ##Gold Powder Community #The beauty of the world does not depend on the world but on the heart time you see the world, leaving us not only the wrinkles on the face but also the success
#Today's Headlines Micro Headlines ##Gold Powder Community #The beauty of the world does not depend on the world but on the heart time you see the world, leaving us not only the wrinkles on the face but also the success

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