
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

author:Lung Fish Teacher

Gu Ailing won the championship, and for a time, the name Gu Ailing was completely brushed. After winning the championship, the life of this talented girl was also dug up:

Her mother graduated from Peking University to study in Stanford; her grandmother Feng Guozhen handed over to the famous women's basketball team of the University and a retired cadre of the Ministry of Transport; and grandpa Gu Zhenguang was the main football force of China's famous schools.

So who was her father? Some people say it's Google's "employee number five" Ray Sidney, is that really the case?

The golden pier is in hand, and the proper school bully

She took the first gold pier, and the effort behind her cannot be underestimated.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Gu Ailing's real contact with skiing was when he was 3 years old, he won the championship at the age of 9, and he had already won 40 or 50 gold medals at the age of 14.

She once said, "When I was eight or nine years old, I just joined a ski team, and I was the only girl in it, and I went home and told my mother that I wanted to go to the Olympics." This became the starting point of the Gu Ailing Winter Olympics.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

As for the secret of ski success? Gu Ailing's answer is simple: sleep ten hours a day.

However, skiing is not all gu Ailing, and her life has never set limits.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Gu Ailing from elementary school Olympiad, and every summer vacation to return to Haidian Huangzhuang to make up for mathematics, Gu's mother told her, "Come to China for ten days of classes, can top in the United States for a year."

When preparing for the US college entrance examination SAT, Gu Ailing also chose to return to China to make up for classes.

In September 2020, Gu Ailing scored a high score of 1580 on the SAT test with a score of 1600, and received an acceptance letter from Stanford University as desired.

In addition, 15-year-old Gu Ailing was invited to paris fashion week and signed a number of cover models for fashion magazines.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
In 2019, Gu Ailing joined the Chinese nationality and currently endorses no less than 20 brands, bringing her hundreds of millions of yuan in annual revenue.
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Haidian's mother, or wall Street elite

You know, Gu Ailing's victory is also inseparable from her mother's support and influence.

According to public information, her mother Gu Yan is a native of Beijing, graduated from the 81 Chemistry Department of Peking University, and was a member of the Short Track Speed Skating Team and Ski Instructor of Peking University when she was in school, and went to study in the United States after graduation.

He studied biochemistry and molecular biology at Auburn University, molecular genetics at Rockefeller University, and an MBA at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business.

Gu Yan is a typical cross-industry composite talent, originally studied chemistry, and then studied biology, and Stanford made a gorgeous transformation after reading an MBA.

It can be said that in the early 90s, Mother Gu was the envy of everyone's Wall Street elite.

In the last article in the 10th issue of China Science and Technology Information Magazine in 1998, the story of Gu Yan's youth was told in detail.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Of course, Gu Ailing's grandmother Feng Guozhen is also a heavyweight, once a famous women's basketball player at Shanghai Jiaotong University, and now a retired cadre of the Ministry of Transport.

After Gu Ailing was born, Feng Guozhen went to the United States to take care of her granddaughter's life.

She attaches great importance to the education of her granddaughter, and always insists on playing her role in teaching by example bit by bit, teaching her granddaughter to speak Chinese, eat Chinese food, and tell her Chinese stories from an early age.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
According to the entry just updated by Baidu Encyclopedia, Gu Ailing's grandfather is named Gu Zhenguang, who was once the main football force of Famous Chinese Schools, and is also good at poetry, piano, painting, swimming, skating and skiing.
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
Many netizens said that excellent family genes are the biggest reality, and there is nothing to do with themselves.
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Gu Ailing's father identity "big conjecture"

As for who Gu Ailing's father really is, let's put a question mark here.

In an interview, Gu Ailing mentioned his family, basically talking about his mother and grandmother and grandfather, and rarely mentioned his father. According to a previous report in The New York Times, her father is American and a graduate of Harvard University.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

On February 5, Google's "fifth employee" Ray Sidney changed his Facebook account profile picture to a photo with Gu Ailing when he was a child, and commented: "Who can recognize this future superstar?" ”

This immediately triggered netizens' speculation about whether he was Gu Ailing's father.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
Ray Sidney studied at the California Institute of Technology, MIT, and Harvard University, where he studied under Turing Award-winning Silvio Micali and later googled employee five. There is no doubt that a proper "school bully" is.
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Gu Ailing's mother, Yan Gu, appeared and replied: "This is not easy to guess! But it wasn't long before someone announced the answer.

Soon, the comment below asked directly: Is she really your secret illegitimate daughter?

Sidney's reply is even more interesting: Who says it's secret?

As soon as this remark came out, he almost openly admitted that he was Gu Ailing's father, which caused domestic social media to forward it.

The "suspected father" is a school bully, and the mother is a Wall Street financial elite. Looking at it this way, you and I didn't win the Olympic championship, probably because of the genes.

However, only a few hours later, Ray Sidney made further clarifications to the netizen's question:

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Sidney said, "Maybe I should clarify that I have been in a relationship with Gu Yan (Gu Ailing's mother) for a few years, and I have known Gu Ailing for many years." I'm proud of what she's achieved now, both on and off the snow. But what I met Gu Yan was after Gu Ailing was born. ”

In 2017, when Gu Ailing was interviewed by Chinese media, she said that she was 4 years old skiing with her mother and her mother's friend Ray Sidney.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
Some netizens said that Gu Ailing's father is David, an investment officer and director of the veteran 100 billion DOLLAR fund.
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Another netizen came out to clarify that Gu's father is David, the managing director of the 100 billion-dollar fund!

Speculation from her father's last name should be Dutch, and Gu Ailing's parents separated when she was very young.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
As for who Kotani's father really is, the Sherlock Holmes still need to work hard
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

Laugh at the external media "breaking defenses": don't like me, it is their loss

Due to Gu Ailing's background, after being born, raised, educated in the United States, and engaged in skiing, training and competitions were basically overseas. The Winter Olympics represented China, making some mainstream US media unable to sit still.

These media have accused Gu Ailing of being a "traitor" to the United States and took the opportunity to attack China.

In fact, since the beginning of the Olympic Games, the attacks and smears against Gu Ailing on US social media have not stopped.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
On Feb. 4, Fox News anchor Will Cain accused Mr. Gu of "selling out its interests to China, like many American companies." ”
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

On February 7, the female anchor from Fox also tweeted directly: "How much money has China given you, is it worth your betrayal of the country that cultivated your success"?

Another veteran double-standard media, The Economist, published an article questioning why Gu Ailing abandoned the United States to represent China. While the whole text is uninterrupted, it is necessary to forcibly carry smuggled goods and then raise hong Kong-related Xinjiang issues, taking the opportunity to continue to unreasonably accuse China.

Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?
For this kind of "well-known double standard" behavior, some Twitter netizens made a picture titled "Schrödinger's Chinese".
Google Employee 5? Mysterious financial predators? Who is Gu Ailing's father?

It was you who drove her back to China, and now she is winning gold on behalf of the Chinese Olympics, and she has broken through the defense and shouted "traitor".

In the face of hostility and unreasonable accusations from overseas social media, Gu Ailing himself is very open-minded, because there is no need to care about the feelings of these people.

In the interview session after winning the championship, in the face of the British "Guardian" reporter's question on the matter is not very friendly, she generously and confidently said:

"As an 18-year-old girl, I don't think I want to make everyone happy, and I don't care if others are satisfied, if someone doesn't believe me or doesn't like me, then it's their loss and they can't be olympic champions."

Beautiful and strong "Frog Princess", just let them continue to sour, we continue to love!

Gu Ailing/ Tags ▍Decimal/ Edit ▍Elementary School Math / Source▍

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