
"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

Some time ago, there has been a saying on the Internet that the second stage rocket of Musk's "Falcon Nine" rocket launched in 2015 has finally been missing after 7 years of mysterious disappearance.

However, the vanished secondary rocket is speeding towards the moon, and is expected to crash on the far side of the moon on March 4, thus having a "big collision" with the moon.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

However, what people did not expect was that just when netizens were talking about it and wondering how Musk would "explain" this time, bill gray, an astronomer in the United States, actually overturned his previous statement, saying that through the latest research, this time, the mysterious object that will collide with the moon is not Musk's secondary rocket, but from China.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

So, is there really Chinese celestial body that will collide with the moon on March 4?

Since it is still impossible to determine where the mysterious object that will collide with the moon will come from, the mysterious object is also named "WE0913A".

Interestingly, "WE0913A" has only attracted attention recently, but in fact as early as 2015, "WE0913A" has been discovered, but at that time, the astronomers who observed it did not think of it as an artificial object, but thought it was a near-Earth asteroid.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

Subsequently, when the NASA laboratory further studied the "WE0913A", it found that it did not seem to be a natural object, and from its trajectory, it seemed to be an abandoned man-made object after being launched in 2015, so the research on what "WE0913A" was also launched.

So why was Musk's Falcon Nine suspected in the first place? This is because in the launch mission of "Falcon Nine" in 2015, the original plan was that after the first stage rocket was recovered, the second stage rocket crashed into the atmosphere, but because of some mistakes, the second stage rocket was insufficient in space, resulting in it being unable to return to the earth according to the predetermined route, and it could only become a "space junk" floating in space.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

After that, as the secondary rocket entered the Lagrange point, many researchers once thought it was gone, until the days with the "WE0913A" moon crash were getting closer and closer, and it was only re-noticed.

Because the launch of "Falcon 9" in 2015 is a big event, at the beginning, researchers naturally suspected that it was Musk's "Falcon 9", but then after further orbit calculations, it was found that Musk was "wronged", thinking that it was the Chang'e 5-T1 rocket launched by China in October 2014, and the accurate time of the collision would be around 12:25 noon on March 4.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

Of course, from this time point of view, it should be the local time in the United States, so is it really China's abandoned rocket that is about to hit the moon? Researchers say that through orbital calculations, "WE0913A" flew over the lunar surface as early as October 2014, and at that time, Musk's Falcon 9 had not yet been launched.

And from the flight trajectory of "WE0913A", it does coincide with the Long March 3C rocket launched by China in 2014, which is evidence that "WE0913A" comes from China's abandoned rockets.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

So, assuming that "WE0913A" really comes from China, is there any impact after it hits the moon?

As we mentioned above, the "WE0913A" lunar collision site will be on the far side of the moon, and the current "Chang'e 4" of the mainland is working on the far side of the moon, so after this impact, will it pose a threat to the continent's probes?

Here, you don't have to worry too much, because the location of the "WE0913A" moon collision is very far away from the current location of the "Chang'e 4" activity, and after the impact, the power generated will not affect the normal operation of the "Chang'e 4", and it will not be on the moon, causing any too much impact.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

We all know that on the moon, there are many craters of all sizes, and when "WE0913A" collides with the moon, there will be a crater left, but compared to other craters on the moon, this crater is left by artificial celestial bodies, nothing more.

So, will the "WE0913A" really be An abandoned rocket in China? Speaking of which, under normal circumstances, the Chang'e-5 T1 rocket launched in October 2014 will not crash into the moon, but in space, due to the influence of celestial gravity and other circumstances, in fact, many unexpected situations are also likely to occur, so it is also possible to change the orbit and hit the moon.

"Wronged" Musk? The mysterious object is about to hit the moon, which American researchers say is from China

However, exactly what will hit the moon still needs further study, after all, "WE0913A" through the current observations, or can not determine what it is, and in 2014, not only the mainland has carried out space launch missions, "WE0913A" may also be the abandoned object of other countries.

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