
Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

Thousands of families do not sleep in spring, and there are thousands of miles and months.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the first full moon day of the Chinese New Year, people have taken to the streets, guessing the riddle of the lanterns in the lanterns, eating a bowl of tangyuan under the fire tree and honeysuckle, and the picture is a reunion.

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

The lively lamp will be beautiful and grand, but careful friends will find that the most used lights in the past are traditional incandescent lamps, not to mention the cost of electricity, and the high temperature at work will also bring safety hazards. But now, the lamp will basically be based on a more power-efficient and low-temperature LED light source, and the effect is naturally much better than in the past.

However, even if it is the Lantern Festival lantern festival, at most it is to get a few laser projectors, projecting a dynamic picture on the wall, there is no high-tech to speak of, but in the field of car lights, the technical replacement and progress can be much more lively than the Lantern Lamp.

The first generation: acetylene lamps about 1900-1930

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

The invention of the automobile was more than 100 years ago, and the era of the automobile was preceded by the age of the carriage. In the era when people generally used horse-drawn carriages to travel, in order to solve the problem of lighting the road at night, kerosene and candles were often used to burn, and then rely on weak lights to rush the road.

However, the speed of the car is much faster than that of the carriage, on the one hand, to make the lights more stable, on the other hand, the intensity of the lighting should also be greatly improved, at this time the acetylene lamp appeared. Put a calcium carbide under the headlight, add water to react to generate acetylene, acetylene burn to produce a strong light.

The advantage is that the illuminance is significantly improved, and the disadvantage is that it must be maintained frequently.

The second generation: incandescent lamps about 1930-1980

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

In the field of automotive lights, the use of incandescent lamps is a huge technological progress, before the lighting system was open, often affected by the external environment. However, in the era of incandescent lamps, it became sealed, in other words, incandescent lamps do not need any external support, such as air, fuel and so on. As long as the electrical energy is continuously fed, it can continue to emit light, whether in the cold winter or the hot summer.

It's just that the technology of incandescent lamps is not mature enough after the launch, and the filament has to experience a long period of high temperature, often in less than a few days, and the bulb is broken. Subsequently, with the support of the discovery of tungsten filaments and the inert gas inside the bulb, the life of incandescent lamps jumped from tens of hours to thousands of hours.

The third generation: Xenon lamps circa 1980-2010

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

If your family bought a high-end car around 2000, you will definitely have an impression of the lights at that time. Xenon lamps have the advantages of longer life, more power saving, higher brightness and so on than incandescent lamps, but when it is cold started, it will have an excitation time of 3-5 seconds. This is also why the high-end cars at that time gave people the feeling of "thinking about it" the moment they turned on the headlights.

Not only that, even if the life of xenon lamps is approaching, they will not be directly unlit like incandescent lamps, but the brightness will be weakened, so safety is more secure. However, the structure of xenon lamps is too complex, and there is a high-voltage module inside, and the failure rate and maintenance costs are very high, so they are gradually eliminated.

The fourth generation: LED headlights about 2010-2018

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are not really a new technology, as early as the 1950s and 1960s. Extremely power-saving and extremely durable is its biggest label, but due to the lag in research and development, led to LED light-emitting elements can only operate at a small amount of power, it is difficult to achieve large-scale popularization on the lamp.

However, thanks to technological breakthroughs, the luminous power of LEDs has changed from a few watts to tens or even hundreds of watts, which has completely reached the degree of commercialization, so many car companies have begun to popularize on a large scale.

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

Including our common matrix headlights, which are actually based on the branch use of this technology. Led light-emitting modules can be made very small, even as large as the diameter of a human hair, so beam-level control can be achieved.

Fifth generation: Projection headlights about 2020 - the future

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

Until the fourth generation of products, the function of the headlights remained at the level of night lighting. However, with the advancement of technology, it is obvious that it cannot meet the requirements of the times, so engineers have developed projection headlight technology.

In fact, today's smart headlights are similar to the projector technology in the home, all of which are emitted outward beams through DLP technology, and these beams can already present millions of pixels, which are basically similar to home projectors. Take the latest Zhiji L7, for example, the headlights have 3.2 million pixels and can project a high-definition blockbuster on one wall.

Lantern Festival, enjoy the lights!

Based on this, the lights can project zebra crossings, warning signs and even speed and navigation on the road, allowing the driver to get rid of the dependence on the dashboard.

At present, major automobile manufacturers are developing more interesting and practical functions, and some even break through the user's brain hole, so that the lights from a small lighting tool to the core components of future driver assistance safety.


Therefore, the Lantern Lantern Will be lively, but may wish to look at the history of the development of the car's lamp technology? Although it is only a hundred years old, the excitement is not lost at all in any lamp meeting, and I look forward to the car lights can bring us more surprises.

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