
The nine skins of the glory of the king returned in the second half of the year, are you ready?

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Glory of kings has recently returned to seven limited skins, which is also a very crazy move, so we have to see what skins will return this year? Skin return is a benefit for new players?, there are a lot of skins that new players can't buy, and it is certain to continue to return to the market next.

The nine skins of the glory of the king returned in the second half of the year, are you ready?


It is expected that the next return to the field this year is in the five-five open black festival, the return skin prediction will be a dream series, such as the sound of the dream and the wings of the dream, these two skins are expected to be sold in the five-five open black festival, the price of 888 coupons, this skin generally will not be out of the activity extraction, it is impossible to return to a series of five skins all return, KPL limited skin seems to have not returned for a long time, if not online or return to the field activity extraction when the editor did not say.

The nine skins of the glory of the king returned in the second half of the year, are you ready?

There is a World Cup this year, the World Cup skin king glory should only have a passionate samba, that basically 100% of this skin will return to sell before the World Cup, this skin is also the most feeling of the skin, very festive, but because this skin has returned once, should return in 2018, so it is likely to be used to do activities, like the flower skin that is now returning, so everyone is ready to scold Tianmei again.

The nine skins of the glory of the king returned in the second half of the year, are you ready?

Finally, zhuge liang's Wuling Immortal Jun, this skin as a Valentine's Day limited, can be regarded as a real legend skin, the price on the shelves at that time 1314 coupons, now Zhuge Liang has launched a glory collection (very ugly), so it is very likely that the second half of the year will return to Wuling Xianjun, as for the rainy day should be no play this year.

The nine skins of the glory of the king returned in the second half of the year, are you ready?

Finally, the anniversary voting limit return skin, the activity should be the top five skins of the return vote, and finally each player can only buy three, and choose three of them to buy, which should be this routine. The rule of returning to the poll is that the skins that have returned within half a year or within one year are not eligible to participate in the voting, of course, including Phoenix Yufei and Phoenix Qiuhuang, and supreme treasure will not directly sell the skins that return to the scene.

The nine skins of the glory of the king returned in the second half of the year, are you ready?

So in the second half of the year, there are at least nine returns, seven of which can be purchased by themselves, so are you ready for your wallet, like our walking wave of attention, every day there are wonderful content and game frontiers, we will see you next!

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