
Does work stress accelerate aging? European research team: Active work actually reduces aging

Does work stress accelerate aging? European research team: Active work actually reduces aging


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Does work stress accelerate aging? European research team: Active work actually reduces aging

A recent study published in the journal Aging that looked at people born in northern Finland in 1966 found some interesting and counterintuitive results about work stress and accelerated epigenetic aging.

It is widely believed that excessive stress must affect physical and mental health, and to a certain extent affect life expectancy. Of course, this view has also been supported by scientific research.

Common findings such as finding blood pressure, heart rate variability, metabolic problems, and poor blood biomarker health are all associated with heavy effort and low returns (what we often call stressful work).

Does work stress accelerate aging? European research team: Active work actually reduces aging

The study examined 604 people of roughly the same age. Before the researchers began studying work stress, they first looked at some of the well-known factors associated with longevity, including obesity, smoking, education, exercise habits and alcoholism. They studied the effects of these factors on older Horvath and Hannum clocks, newer PhenoAge and high-precision GrimAge clocks, and new clocks called DunedinPoAM.

Here's the interesting part:

In the report, the only significant association found between work stress and aging was found in the PhenoAge clock, which reported that moderate stress and active work actually reduced aging. this... Actively working anti-aging?

Does work stress accelerate aging? European research team: Active work actually reduces aging

GrimAge Clock found little correlation between working stress and accelerated aging. Although it shows in the report that people who put more effort at work, including those with severe effort/reward imbalances, are more likely to age epigenetically. The same is true for people who can do manual work.

The researchers also found that, according to Horvath and Hannum clocks, physical activity at work was beneficial for men.

While stress has been previously reported to have a negative impact on the body, its effects on epigenetic aging are far from proven. While the researchers reported some preliminary links, most of the evidence presented in this study suggests a lack of a direct link between stress and epigenetic aging; events like this one, which are generally considered common-sense, most of them simply don't exist.


Even though the results of this study show that the effect of work stress on the body is not obvious, Pai Pai still hopes that you will release the stress of life and work and enjoy moderate stress.

Pay attention to the time pie, more interesting and valuable health information is waiting for you.

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