
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

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Qi Xinghua, born in 1982 in Heilongjiang, China, is China's first 3D landscape painting artist. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2005 and stayed on to work in the same year. The graduation creation "Whirlpool" created a precedent for Chinese 3D stereoscopic painting, and 3D painting was born in China during the tour exhibition in Beijing. In 2010, in order to devote himself to the cause of 3D painting, he resigned at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Since then, he has been a professional 3D painting artist.

He is an official artist of the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo, and the creator of the guinness of the world's largest and longest 3D three-dimensional painting record four times.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records


Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

Qi Xinghua graduated from the Mural Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2005, when most of his classmates were doing the creation of murals, but he was very interested in the foreign 3D painting art he saw on the Internet, so he resolutely made the graduation work into the form of 3D stereoscopic ground painting, and the graduation work won the bronze medal. After doing it at that time, there was no 3D painting art form in China. After Qi Xinghua stayed at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he also used 3D painting as a way of creating.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

"Ancient Dragon and Modern Rhyme"

On August 8, 2008, Qi Xinghua, as an official participating artist at the Shanghai World Expo of the Beijing Olympic Games, exhibited his work "Ancient Dragon and Modern Rhyme" at the Beijing Olympic Games, representing China to show the world China's 3D stereoscopic paintings. The work "Return of the War Horse" has been displayed for a long time in the Xi'an Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

The Return of the War Horse

On May 16, 2010, Qi Xinghua's 3D stereoscopic painting "Don Quixote" was certified by the official measurement of the Guinness World Records Headquarters in the United Kingdom, becoming the world's largest 3D stereoscopic painting at 535.3 square meters, and Qi Xinghua also became the first Chinese artist to break the Guinness World Record for 3D painting. The previous world record was 36 square meters for Indians.

After that, Qi Xinghua broke three other Guinness World Records, all of which were challenges to himself.

On December 17, 2010, the 3D painting "Lionsgate Canyon" was 892 square meters.

On June 10, 2011, the 3D painting "Dragon Tengxiangjiang" was 60 meters.

On December 6, 2011, the 3D ground painting "One Impression of Macau" was 128.7 meters.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

Qi Xinghua was invited by Dubai to participate in the Dubai 3D Painting Art Festival, and he is the only Chinese artist in the exhibition.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

Before going to Dubai to participate in the World 3D Street Painting Art Festival, Qi Xinghua has been engaged in realistic 3D paintings in Western modeling language, and after participating in many excellent works, he realized that the works should contain their own cultural attributes, so he began to study Chinese 3D paintings.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

Qi Xinghua met an Italian friend at the festival, and he asked the artist at the time, "How many works can you paint in a year?" The artist said, "I can paint about 50 pieces a year." Later, Qi Xinghua learned through chat that the artist only had about 10 to 15 works that were invited by others, and about 35 to 40 works were painted on the wall spontaneously and voluntarily, that is, without any remuneration, and he said that he wanted to paint these things that expressed his own heart.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

That is, after this, let Qi Xinghua have a kind of reflection on himself, maybe all the works in the past have been commissioned by others, he rarely really has to express his ideas on the wall, because of this, after Qi Xinghua returned to China, he began to constantly reflect on himself, "Maybe my works are more about showing my creative ability, or the whole control ability, or imagination, but I don't have more to express my own inner emotional things, so, After I returned home, I began to look for some places with ruins, and I hoped that I would be free to express my inner thoughts. ”

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

After that, he found that his work at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and his daily creation had a very big conflict in time and energy, that is, he wanted to be a professional artist. His wife gave him great support in this regard, and finally Qi Xinghua left the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2010. In the process of creating 3D paintings, Qi Xinghua said that he did not want to always repeat himself, and felt that he was always doing the same thing, and he said that no matter in the form, content or subject matter of 3D paintings, he wanted to have a relatively big change.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

As a result, the red wall on the road of Qi Xinghua's studio became a crocodile, and the garbage can downstairs of his house was scratched because of the construction garbage that was thrown, and the hands of the old man were scratched, qi Xinghua painted "Sharp Objects Will Scratch Grandpa's Hand" next to the garbage can, he said, "I can't change anything, at least I can paint for you; I can't give you anything, I can at least give you respect." ”

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

"Red Crocodile"

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

"Sharp Objects Scratch Grandpa's Hand"

Qi Xinghua said, "I have not painted this wall here for 7 years, I painted it within 7 days, my pandas were also painted with small advertisements, and then the British "Guardian" published this report, and then a foreign friend called me and asked me, 'We foreign artists will leave their names on their works, why do you chinese leave your own phone?'" ’”

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

"Purple Gas Coming East"

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

"Gan Tianxingjian"

Qi Xinghua's 3D street painting artwork is magnificent, giving people a strong visual impact at first glance, he likes to use the dragon as the creative material, the dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation, but also a very distinctive element in Chinese culture.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

In addition to drawing inspiration from Chinese culture, he also looks at paintings of different styles, looks at the works of different artists, and constantly thinks. He went to the museum to see the works of the ancients, and worshiped the wisdom of the ancients from the heart, "The ancient works are not so realistic, so there are not many constraints, and there is a huge space for imagination and creativity." ”

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

Qi Xinghua was once expelled by the city management when painting on the street, and his paintings were often splashed with water, and some unkind remarks were received on social platforms. But now that street painting is becoming more and more popular, more and more people can accept this art, which also gives him great relief.

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

In the past, he regarded "3D" as the goal, and now he regards 3D as a means, splashing ink as a form, and expressing the emotions of creation as the goal. "This sense of explosion, fluidity and speed of splashing ink is difficult to simulate with any pen", Qi Xinghua hopes to go to the world with paintings with unique Chinese elements through the creation of splashed ink. He said, "Chinese street painting has just toddlered, and there are still many shortcomings, but as long as we take a step forward, the day arches a pawn, we will go to the place we yearn for."

Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records
Sharing today| he introduced 3D land paintings to China, breaking four Guinness World Records

Source: Network

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