
The harm of baby worm teeth turns out to be so big! Shuke Baby Toothpaste Makes "Worm Teeth Retreat"

My daughter, who was in kindergarten, did a routine oral examination at school 2 months ago, when the teacher reminded me that the baby's posterior alveolar teeth had a slight moth, and it was necessary to clean and care for the teeth. I wasn't surprised that my baby had tooth decay. My baby loves sweets such as candy and cakes, plus she often resists brushing her teeth, I did not help her insist on brushing her teeth carefully in the morning and evening, and it is not unusual for "worm teeth" to appear! However, thinking that the baby's teeth are still in the deciduous period, sooner or later to change the teeth, I did not take the worm tooth to heart! When I talked to the dentist about the child's tooth decay, the dentist's "popular science" made me suddenly realize: the harm of the original insect teeth is so great!

First, "small insect teeth" have "big harm"

Under the doctor's "popular science", I learned that the harm of insect teeth is really a lot! To sum up, there will probably be the following aspects of harm.

Severe insect teeth can cause toothache. When the toothache, the baby will inevitably cry, if the toothache is just in time for eating, then the baby may not be able to eat this meal well. In the long run, it not only affects the development of the baby's maxillofacial face but also affects the intake of nutrition for the baby, resulting in the baby's growth and development being hindered.

If the baby's early deciduous teeth are more severe, collapse and early loss may affect the baby's correct pronunciation. And if the front teeth are caries, it will also affect the appearance and negatively affect the baby's psychological development.

Bacteria in the mouth can also enter the circulatory system from the baby's tooth decay and bleeding gums, which in turn can cause systemic diseases in your baby.

Deciduous tooth decay can also affect the eruption of your baby's permanent teeth. After the baby's deciduous teeth are tooth decayed, if it is not paid attention to, it is likely to be secondary periodontitis, affecting the permanent tooth germ, resulting in permanent tooth enamel development disorders, thereby affecting the normal germination of the baby's permanent teeth.

What should I do with my baby's worm teeth? Choose the right children's toothpaste to let the "worm teeth fade"

For the baby, the harm of insect teeth is really too great. Therefore, the prevention and control of insect teeth is particularly important. The best way to prevent caries is to brush your teeth well. Parents should help their baby develop a good brushing habit. And choose suitable and children's dental care appliances.

The harm of baby worm teeth turns out to be so big! Shuke Baby Toothpaste Makes "Worm Teeth Retreat"

After doing a lot of homework, I bought Shuke Baby Kids Toothpaste for my child, because my baby is very picky about the taste of toothpaste, and a little spicy mouth is not enough, this toothpaste is designed for children, gentle and not spicy. I took two flavors of this toothpaste directly into my hand, strawberry and fresh orange. Both of these flavors are very "appetite" for the little one, and the baby loves the Hello Kitty and Pudding dog patterns on these two toothpastes, and now brushing her teeth every day has become the thing she is most looking forward to.

The harm of baby worm teeth turns out to be so big! Shuke Baby Toothpaste Makes "Worm Teeth Retreat"

I also paid special attention to the ingredients of this toothpaste. It is added with food-grade raw material sorbitol, which can efficiently clean plaque under the premise of ensuring safety; selected soft hydrated silica abrasive, which is delicate and dense in use, is really powerful in cleaning, and will not hurt the glaze of the baby's teeth. Babies have been using this toothpaste for a while, because they brush their teeth relatively clean every morning and evening, and now the baby's "worm teeth" are brighter and whiter than before on the surface, and the breath is fresher than before. I'll take her to the dentist in a few days, so I'll be more at ease.

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