
What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth

"Boom boom boom..."

Skier Xiaomei came to the prosthodontic department of Peking University Stomatological Hospital and found Dr. Xiaobei, who smiled and revealed her neat white teeth.

What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth

Dr. Xiaobei

With no oral diseases and no trauma, why did she come to the dental clinic?

It turned out that Xiaomei wanted to make a magical armor for her teeth:

Sport dental guards

(Sports Mouthguard)

What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth

(Image from the Internet)

What exactly is a sports dental guard?

Let's take a look!

What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth

It is an elastic cushion that is resistant to impact and is a "protective cover" worn on the teeth and gums. It allows people to buffer the accidental impact on the maxillofacial and teeth when performing high-intensity and direct confrontational sports, such as skiing, skating, ice hockey, football, basketball, hockey, taekwondo, boxing, etc., reduce the chance of damage to teeth, jaws, lips, cheeks, tongues and other parts, and reduce the severity of injuries.

What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth

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When athletes bite the sports teeth, they can also increase the strength of the muscles of the whole body, helping them to play the best competitive level and achieve better competition results.

What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth

Nowadays, the progress of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is always touching, and we have seen the colorful "braces" worn by athletes in many sports, that is, sports dental protection.

What did Gu Ailing bite when she was playing? Sporty tooth guard, the "golden bell cover" to guard the teeth


The International Association of Sports Dentistry (ISDA) and the American Dental Association (ADA) jointly recommend that athletes should always wear sports goggles during training and competition in sports where there is a potential danger of physical impact.

Sports teeth braces are generally worn in the maxillary dentition, and for close combat sports such as boxing, they are often worn at the same time. Sport dental care mainly includes three categories: pre-formed, intraoral molding and customized.

At present, the most mainstream type is the customized sports dental guard, which is personalized by professional doctors according to the athlete's dentition model. The fit, stability, comfort and protection of the customized sports tooth guards are better than the first two, and you can even add some personal favorite colors to perfectly combine safety and fashion.


Is sports dental care a custom, once and for all?


On the one hand, the use of sports guard teeth is gradually worn, and the protective effect will be affected.

On the other hand, the oral structure of adolescents is constantly growing and changing.

Therefore, it is recommended that the sports tooth guard be replaced at least once every 6 months, and even every 3 months for those who have a high frequency of use or are at the peak of growth and development.


Are customized sports goggles the same for different sports?

The thickness of the sports teeth guard is determined by the sex and weight of the athlete, the degree of confrontation of the sport, etc. Generally, 2mm+2mm laminated teeth guards can be used, men's ice hockey, men's short track speed skating, men's sleds, etc. need 2mm+4mm or 3mm+3mm laminated teeth guards, and boxing and basketball projects with stronger confrontation need thicker laminated teeth guards.


Do sports dental goggles affect oral health and oral hygiene?

First of all, the materials used to make sports dental guards must be food-grade safe, non-toxic and non-irritating.

Secondly, the sports teeth should be fully cleaned before and after use, and if necessary, toothpaste and toothbrushes can be used to clean, but do not use corrosive cleaners, do not use hot water, alcohol, sun and other ways to disinfect, and pay attention to storing in special containers to avoid compression deformation.

· Finally, if the sports guard teeth are worn or uncomfortable to wear, they should be replaced in time.

In short, for sports participants who are at risk of oral and maxillofacial injuries, they should find a professional doctor to customize the sports dental protection.

Provides magical armor for teeth

Guard the health of the mouth and jaw!

(Reprinted from Peking University Oral Youth Said)

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