
Focusing on green environmental protection, the small delegation visited the Tesla Center in Beijing Crab Island

On February 15th, the Tesla Center in Beijing Crab Island welcomed a special group of guests, a small group of reporters composed of students in grades 3 to 5, who came to visit and interview, and started a journey of environmental protection and technology.

Focusing on green environmental protection, the small delegation visited the Tesla Center in Beijing Crab Island

Since industrialization, human economic and social development has relied too much on fossil energy, and the excavation and utilization of the earth's traditional energy stock has gradually gone to the extreme, and has brought many problems such as resource shortage, environmental pollution, and climate change. Fossil energy is gradually depleted, the damage to the ecological environment is becoming more and more severe, so new energy technology as a new way of energy utilization, is entering our lives.

The choice of Beijing Crab Island Tesla Center for this small journalist activity not only provides a platform for students to participate in society, express themselves, and improve their comprehensive quality, cultivate writing, observation, communication, independent thinking, organization and other abilities, but also aims to guide students to focus on environmental protection and science and technology, encourage them to think deeply about energy issues and imagine future travel.

At the event, the young reporters visited the new energy vehicle components in the exhibition hall, and the Tesla staff explained their working principles and design ideas for them in a simple and simple way, and introduced the intelligent, safety and environmental protection technology of the whole vehicle with tesla Model 3 and Model Y models as examples.

Focusing on green environmental protection, the small delegation visited the Tesla Center in Beijing Crab Island

Subsequently, Tesla staff led the young reporters to visit the maintenance workshop and introduced and demonstrated the Tesla supercharger pile. In the whole year of 2021, more than 500,000 Tesla owners in China have traveled 4.388 billion kilometers, which is equivalent to more than 100,000 circles around the earth and 40 times between the earth and Mars. With the blessing of clean energy, Chinese Tesla owners will achieve a carbon dioxide emission reduction of 1.01 million tons in 2021, and everyone will contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction with practical actions.

Tesla also brought a popular science course on the theme of new energy and green environmental protection to the young reporters, so that the students deeply understood that the changes in the earth's ecological environment are closely related to the fate of all mankind. Factors such as over-exploitation and use of fossil fuels have led to a series of serious air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. Tesla lecturer Kong Xiangxing told the students that being close to nature does not mean destroying the environment, and the use of science and technology to develop solar, wind, hydropower and other energy sources can minimize the damage to nature and guide students to pay attention to clean energy.

Focusing on green environmental protection, the small delegation visited the Tesla Center in Beijing Crab Island

After the class, the young reporters enthusiastically asked, "How does Tesla deal with batteries and waste?" "Where else will Tesla use new energy?" "When will cars be able to charge wirelessly?" "How can Tesla get more people to drive electric cars?" "What is the new energy source with the most development potential?" ...... Although the students are young, they have a big picture of environmental protection. Yang Yi, senior expert of Tesla China products, Kong Xiangxing, product manager of Tesla, and the person in charge of tesla after-sales and delivery introduced Tesla's cleaning factory, Tesla robots, Tesla's application of solar energy, etc., and answered their questions one by one.

Focusing on green environmental protection, the small delegation visited the Tesla Center in Beijing Crab Island

At the end of the event, Tesla staff showed the Tesla Model Y dance mode to the students. The vehicle flashed headlights and fog lights with music, opened and closed eagle wing doors, and the light show with a sense of technology and futurism caused the students to applaud.

Tesla not only reduces carbon emissions through low-energy products and cleaner production processes, but also actively popularizes environmental education for primary and secondary school students through public welfare activities. In addition to the small reporters visiting and interviewing, Tesla has also held a number of campus public welfare activities and walked into the primary and secondary school campuses.

In a lively and interesting public welfare science popularization, Tesla promoted the majority of young people to establish the concept of sustainable development, bring a low-carbon and environmentally friendly green lifestyle to more students, and guide more children and teenagers to participate in the action of "accelerating the transformation of the world to sustainable energy".

【Source: China Youth Network】

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