
Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

Although the Spring Festival holiday is only a short 7 days, if you want to start the New Year in the true sense, start from the eighth day of the first lunar month and continue to the fifteenth day of the first month.

The Lantern Festival is the climax and end of the long spring festival activities.

February 15 is the Lantern Festival in the Year of the Tiger.

However, the Lantern Moon in the Year of the Tiger is somewhat different, neither "fifteen circles" nor "sixteen circles", but "seventeen circles", according to the observatory' prediction, the roundest time will appear at 0:56 on February 17.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

And the Lantern Lantern, naturally inseparable from the most important protagonist ----- Tangyuan / Lantern.

According to local traditions, it is basically the south to eat tangyuan, the north to eat the Lantern, and basically are based on sweets, of course, some places are also based on salty.

But the problem is that the calories of Lantern and Tangyuan are really quite a lot, and as a food made of glutinous rice flour, the glycemic index is also relatively large.

Glutinous rice, also known as rice, is, as its name suggests, a weak food that can be cooked in a variety of ways, such as steaming glutinous rice cakes directly or making them for sale.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

Not only that, glutinous rice contains b vitamins rich in medicine to help tonify the qi, which has a certain alleviating effect on poor appetite, diarrhea and bloating.

It is precisely in this way that when it comes to the New Year's Festival, people in many areas will use glutinous rice to make food, and Tangyuan and Lantern are one of them.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

Although tangyuan and glutinous rice are good, these 4 types of people should not eat more

First, diabetics

Diabetes is a common chronic disease, after the disease often need to take insulin injections or hypoglycemic drugs, usually also have to pay attention to which foods can not eat, including tangyuan.

Because there are more carbohydrates and starch in glutinous rice, if you eat too much, it will accumulate in the body in large quantities and convert into sugars, thereby increasing blood sugar, which is not conducive to the treatment of diseases.

Plus tangyuan, glutinous rice with sweet filling, such as black sesame seeds, peanuts, bean paste... Proper "sugar master", if you eat more, it will inevitably lead to energy exceeding the standard, causing an increase in blood sugar after a meal.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

Second, older people

For the elderly, it is also necessary to avoid eating too much glutinous rice, which is a food that is not easy to digest, and the gastrointestinal function of the elderly is relatively weak.

If the total intake of glutinous rice is not well controlled, symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux may occur, which in turn will pose a threat to the health of the elderly.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

Third, people with hot and humid phlegm fire

If there are symptoms such as fever, cough, and yellowing of sputum, you should avoid eating foods made of glutinous rice, such as tangyuan and Lantern, because such people tend to have a hot and humid constitution, and if they also eat glutinous rice, it will aggravate the performance of damp heat.

Fourth, patients with gastrointestinal tract diseases

Glutinous rice is a warm food, but it contains more plant fiber, if you eat too much, it is bound to increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Especially people with duodenal ulcers or gastritis, gastric accumulation and other diseases, do not eat glutinous rice, otherwise it is likely to cause ulcers, stomach bleeding and other serious consequences.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

How much to eat is appropriate?

Because the satiety of the Lantern and Tangyuan is not strong, it is often because the --- "can't stop the car" and eat too much, so everyone has to control the total amount.

Generally medium-sized Lantern and Tangyuan, while a bowl of ordinary-sized rice is equivalent to 5 salty stuffed meat dumplings, or 4 sweetly stuffed Tangyuan and Lantern.

If the glutinous rice balls are practiced, although they are small, 20 are equal to a bowl of rice.

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

If you want to eat tangyuan or Lantern, then eat less staple foods on the same day, such as eating two sweet tangyuan, and eat half a bowl of rice on the same day.

It is worth noting that the filling of the Lantern and Tangyuan also has a lot of oil, so it is also light to eat lightly on the day to avoid excessive intake of oil.

For those sugar-free rice balls or sugar-free lanterns on the market, although there is no additional sugar, the energy of glutinous rice is still a lot, and eating more will still cause blood sugar to rise.

Therefore, sugar friends still can't take it lightly, and the amount of control is king!

After today, the year is over.

After tonight, it is time to start a new year of hard work! The unity of the yuan, the rejuvenation of the earth, may the moon be full, and all the people be safe!

Northern Lantern, Southern Tangyuan, how to eat healthy? Reminder: 4 types of people are best to eat less

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