
Lai Meiyun and Wu Junyu starred in the web drama "My Heroine Don't Be Too Cute" to start broadcasting tomorrow

author:Beijing News

Beijing News News On July 22, the web drama "My Heroine Don't Be Too Cute" starring Lai Meiyun and Wu Junyu exposed the final poster, announcing that it would be broadcast exclusively on Tencent Video from July 23, updating 2 episodes every Friday and Saturday at 12:00, and members were the first to watch.

Lai Meiyun and Wu Junyu starred in the web drama "My Heroine Don't Be Too Cute" to start broadcasting tomorrow

Image from the official Weibo

The drama is adapted from the novel "Queen Lord Don't Be Too Cute", set in the game's costume jianghu world, showing the story of Jiang Xiaomeng (Lai Meiyun) and Murong Chen (Wu Junyu) working together to stir up the wind and rain in the jianghu, and finally harvest true love and grow.

Beijing News editor Xu Meilin

Proofreading Li Lijun

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