
Between men and women, at these moments, relationships are most likely to cross the line

1, ambiguity, what a familiar word.

In ancient times, people liked Hongyan to pass on books, and now people are more and more bold and have learned to communicate with their eyebrows.

Ambiguity is also divided into realms, the highest level of ambiguity is the red face and blue face, the existence of the righteous, but also by the other half of the recognition, there is no reason to refuse.

Life is hurried, there are many customers, and people who come and go have also made many friends who cherish each other;

But making friends also has boundaries, and it is easy for men and women to communicate ambiguously, and it is difficult to maintain this boundary.

Lu Longqi, a Qing dynasty scholar, once said, "We must establish a boundary everywhere, and we must consider one inch in everything." "And the opposite sex should keep a certain distance between them."

You enter and I retreat, you retreat from me, near is far, far is near.

In fact, when men and women get along, there is also a medium in the middle, and once they are affected and stimulated, they will change and leap from quantity to quality.

In the far reaches of the rivers and lakes, meet a confidant, in the cup of reward, meet a confidant.

It is easy to get money, and it is difficult to find a voice, but if you can find a confidant, especially a confidant of the opposite sex, will you have other ideas, and do you want to cross the line?

Men and women want to cross the line, nothing more than having different feelings and having a unique feeling;

But beyond the boundary, the friend's window paper was broken, and he was afraid of losing her, often to the depths of his feelings.

At these moments, it is difficult for men and women to sustain themselves, and the relationship is easy to cross the line.

2. When you help each other

When helping each other, it is easy to produce a sense of intimacy and dependence, and the longer the time, the deeper the feeling will be.

Love begins with ambiguity, and finally you can talk to you and me.

And the bud of love is produced in getting along.

At first, they didn't know each other's intentions, and called the feelings at that time pure friendship, but friendship was only one step apart.

Life is full of hardships, when he encounters difficulties, if it is whether it is his problems in life, study, friendship or work;

You can give advice and help him solve them one by one, then you can be described as a close friend.

And if things go further, you can both stick to the principle and support him, and your feelings will change qualitatively.

From pure little friendship to ambiguity, it is not whether you want to take this step or not, but things have developed to this step.

The feelings of helping each other are as strong as the long-term love affair.

It is also normal for two single men and women to be alone and have further affection.

3. When neither party is willing to refuse

The fact that both sides are unwilling to refuse means that a certain weight has been produced in each other's hearts, and this weight is light and light, and it is heavy and heavy.

In dominating one's own life, even if you are alone, you cannot do it without self-awareness, self-sustainment, and self-respect.

Day by day, step by step, the yearning for the spring flowers and autumn moon lies in our own practice.

And the changes in the relationship between men and women are subtle, even invisible.

These changes come from the subtle things around you, seeing the truth in the small places, and seeing the true knowledge in the touch.

It has nothing to do with the wind and the moon, it has nothing to do with dignity, but the heart and the heart are inexplicably close, willing to be close to him, and when he is close to himself, he cannot bear to refuse.

This kind of emotion is unclear, but it is real, like a different kind of encounter, and I can't bear to break his beauty.

4. When sharing secrets

In everyone's heart, there are countless unexplained little secrets, which are not enough for outsiders.

We are all accustomed to hiding secrets in the deepest recesses of our hearts, and we will not reveal our hearts until we meet people who are willing to trust.

What a wonderful thing it is to have feelings, to pull people at both ends like a spring.

However, men and women at both ends cannot escape the force majeure factor, and the more pressure is exerted, the more they will go against the road, the farther away they are, the more they let go of their hearts, the closer they will be.

A person who can make you let go of your mind must be a true friend in your heart.

You will be willing to tell him about your own trivial matters, and you will also tell him your own small ideas, and even who you like;

And it all comes from the fact that you trust him, are willing to give his heart, and are willing to be close to him.

When you share secrets with him, on the one hand, you believe that he will accompany you to face these problems;

On the other hand, you are willing to give the truth to the other party and not deceive him, and you believe that he is sincere to you.

This trust comes from the heart, and outsiders can't force it.

Two people get closer and closer, communicate with each other, each other treats each other as close friends, two people slowly approach, affectionate, starting from love.

The sharing of small secrets is the most helpful to increase the emotions of two people, warm up for two people, and the two people who get closer and closer will naturally cross the line.

The love of men and women is unclear and unclear, whether it is a wise person or an ordinary person, they cannot escape a love word.

The road of love is long, there will always be surprises, the road of feelings needs two people to walk, whether it is crossed or not, happiness is the best.

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The article comes from the public account: self-sufficiency

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