
Will you use the hardest action "Turn Inside 1980" tomorrow? Su Yiming said so

At 1:30 p.m. on the 14th, in the men's snowboard jumping qualifying round, "little bolt" Su Yiming performed well and entered the final with 155.25 points. Fifth out of 12 finalists, will be in the final that starts tomorrow at 1 p.m.

Will you use the hardest action "Turn Inside 1980" tomorrow? Su Yiming said so

On February 18, Su Yiming will celebrate her 18th birthday. In the post-match interview session, the reporter asked "What birthday gift do you want to give yourself?" "In this regard, Su Yiming said that since he started his sports career, he has received help from many people along the way, and he has also seen the motherland becoming stronger and stronger." For me, these things are already a very precious gift, and the Olympic Games are also a very special experience. I hope that I can play at a better level, get better results, and give myself a more precious birthday gift. He said that the only thing he needs to focus on at the moment is to do his every move.

Will you use the hardest action "Turn Inside 1980" tomorrow? Su Yiming said so

In addition, being asked "Will you see your hardest move tomorrow (Inward Turn 1980)?" "Su Yiming also did not shy away from giving a positive answer." Definitely. If everyone plays well tomorrow, in this case, I will definitely complete my most difficult moves. He said he would constantly challenge himself to do things that weren't done, or things that no one in the world could do, and that was the biggest charm of snowboarding.

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