
"Youth China Festival" renamed "My Festival My Song", singing our "holiday memory"

With the promotion of festivals as the core, the dissemination of China's excellent traditional culture as the connotation, and the goal of enhancing the cultural self-confidence of young people, China Youth Daily innovated and produced the first new era festival theme music project "Youth China Festival" in China in 2021. In order to better highlight the dual attributes of culture and music and sing the strong voice of the young people's era, from 2022, the brand project will be officially upgraded and renamed "My Festival My Song", and more than ten original songs and music MVs have been planned and produced successively.

"Youth China Festival" renamed "My Festival My Song", singing our "holiday memory"

Festivals are a special meaning that human beings give to time. We need festivals, a country, a people, a family, all need a sense of ritual. Festivals teach us to have special memories at certain times. Whether it is a steaming dumpling Chinese New Year's Eve, a rice dumpling with a sweet bamboo fragrance in the Dragon Boat Festival, or the clear light of the full moon in the hometown of the Mid-Autumn Festival, or the Chinese red fluttering everywhere on national day, it can arouse the soft love and warmth in our hearts. The pace of modern life is getting faster and faster, we work hard every day, tired of running, but the festival is like a piece of sugar added to the coffee, reminding us that in addition to hard work and worry, there are harvests and celebrations, even if it is an ordinary day, it can be written into poetry and sung into songs.

Traditional festivals are the carrier of the continuous inheritance of Chinese culture, condensing the profound historical background, spiritual beliefs and ideals of the Chinese nation. The Qingming Festival tells us to worship the ancestors and move forward, the Mid-Autumn Festival reminds us to cherish the reunion and return home for love, and the Chongyang Festival advocates that we should respect the elderly and accompany us to fulfill filial piety... When we adhere to traditional festivals, we are adhering to the cultural core that has been condensed in China for 5,000 years and standing up the spiritual backbone of the Chinese nation.

Today, with the development of modern civilization and the increasingly close international cultural exchanges, modern festivals have gradually integrated and become an important part of China's festival culture. On National Day, we took to the streets to celebrate the great birth of New China and the great leap of the Chinese nation; On Mother's Day and Father's Day, we gave our mother a big hug and said "hard" to my father; on Labor Day, we sang "the most glorious labor" and encouraged ourselves to work hard and struggle unremittingly... In the festival, we show the value orientation of the Chinese nation to keep pace with the times, commemorate every beauty and courage, and let the festival become a seed sown, blossoming and bearing fruit in the hearts of Chinese generations.

In 2021, we have released the theme songs and music videos of three festivals. The National Day rewards "Mountains and Rivers Starlight", the New Year's Day prayer "Fanghua Wishes", and the Spring Festival sings "Spring Blessings", expressing people's great tradition of continuing eternal struggle, infinite expectations for a better life and a strong belief in guarding family reunions.

In 2022, we will invite Xu Jiaqi, Zhou Bichang, Huang Minghao, Chen Grain and other youth positive energy stars to sing on the Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Labor Day, Mother's Day and other festivals, respectively, to play the rhythm of the festival for young friends and sing the songs of youth.

The times are noisy, life is like the sea, we meet in the festival; the galaxy flashes, the water shadows are hazy, and we are reunited in song. Pay attention to "My Festival My Song" together, love specific people, wait for things to be expected, and harvest a full sense of festival "ritual".

"Youth China Festival" renamed "My Festival My Song", singing our "holiday memory"

Source: China Youth Daily client

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