
How long does the long-term planning process for three generations of IVF take

Many IVF mothers plucked up the courage to do IVF just to have children. However, IVF is not easy, it needs to face many difficulties and obstacles. For example, a mother who is fertilized in ANF needs to promote ovulation, and there are many programs that promote ovulation. The doctor will choose the most appropriate plan according to the situation. Commonly used ovulation promotion programs include both long-term and short-term plans, so how long does the long-term planning process for IVF take?

How long does the long-term planning process for three generations of IVF take

How long does the IVF long program take?

The long-term plan is one of the IVF ovulation programs. Due to the patient's different physical condition, estradiol (E2) and sex hormones are taken frequently and ovulation is monitored on the 10-12th day of menstruation. Irregular menstruation reduces oral contraceptives, generally 14-16 days, and ovulation time is generally about 10 days.

The general IVF procedure generally begins to decrease on the 21st day of the previous menstrual cycle, and the use of the reduction will not affect the menstrual cycle. So in the next menstrual cycle, ovulation begins on the 2-3rd day of menstruation. Long-term users generally have better ovarian function and are not very old.

How long does the long-term planning process for three generations of IVF take

The time that generally takes is composed of 5 periods: the preparation period (1 month) needs to go to the hospital for a yin ultrasound 3.4 downregulation period (14-20 days) needs to go to the hospital for an injection once ovulation induction period (about 10 days) needs to go to the hospital every day to induce ovulation injections to retrieve eggs and transplant (3-5 days) to wait for pregnancy test (14 days).

The long-term plan to enter the IVF cycle takes about a month (from the beginning) to the transplant. Throughout the course of treatment, if there are no special circumstances, men need to come to the hospital three times, and women come to the hospital for a relatively long time.

How long does the long-term planning process for three generations of IVF take

Since each patient's physical condition is different, personalization is the only shortcut to choosing a promotional plan.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, how long the IVF program takes depends largely on the patient's own circumstances. The success rate of long-term plans is relatively high.

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