
Literary critics | Comedy is not a culture of judging ugliness Don't let them suffer from appearance anxiety again

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Yan Wenwen

"Talk Show Conference 4" finally started, as an audience who does not have much enthusiasm for variety shows, the talk show conference is probably the program I am most looking forward to, after all, last year, Li Xueqin's famous scene of bombing the field was not too much, so that I had more than half a year to replace the cross-talk of Deyun Society with Xueqin's paragraphs and became the sound of sleeping before going to bed.

Literary critics | Comedy is not a culture of judging ugliness Don't let them suffer from appearance anxiety again

When the first episode of the show was broadcast, one contestant immediately became a popular contestant, and even Li Shi was very optimistic about him. Netizens described the actor surnamed Xu as "a face on a laughing point", and his accent, which I couldn't even hear clearly, was interpreted as "even the accent is so funny".

But is his passage really that funny? Anyway for a full 5 minutes, I didn't get to his laugh point once. On the contrary, I feel extremely uncomfortable about this actor's self-proclaimed "I am suitable for talk shows with this look", is it difficult for talk shows to not use strips to serve people now, but to use their faces?

At the spit conference at the beginning of the year, Xu Zhiyuan once said: "Aesthetic narrowness is a kind of intellectual defect." This sentence is screened in the circle of friends and on Weibo, and this sentence is actually very suitable for applying to Xu Actor's narrow-mindedness about the aesthetic cognition of comedy, whether he is self-deprecating or not. The subtext of this sentence is "I look ugly, so I'm a good fit for comedy." ”

Do comedians have to look bad? I'm afraid this is not the case.

The famous comedian Zhou Xingchi created a nonsensical performance style, which can make people laugh at any time, but in fact, his appearance is very decent, otherwise it is impossible to be selected into the actor training class, and Liang Chaowei, Guan Lijie and other handsome men as classmates.

Shen Teng's funny skills do not need to be said more, Uncle Teng is out of the horse, that is to laugh until your stomach hurts, although now a little old face is not so good-looking, but don't forget, Shen Teng was originally a military school grass, skinny camels are bigger than horses, handsome guys still have the foundation.

Literary critics | Comedy is not a culture of judging ugliness Don't let them suffer from appearance anxiety again

Let's talk about the foreign comedian, known as one of the Hollywood comedy geniuses Of Kim Carey, from the "Disguised Strange Jie", "Dumb and Agua", "Fake God" and other movies can see that this man can make you laugh just by using his face, but Kim Carey himself is a big handsome guy, and when he seriously acts and makes movies such as "Truman's World" and "Beautiful Mind, Eternal Sunshine", you will feel how terrible his acting skills are.

Comedians are inherently anxious, and Kim Kelly, Mr. Bean, Chaplin, etc., all suffer from severe depression, and they have all had similar "ugly" experiences.

I have seen Mr. Bean Rowan Atkinson act in a play when he was young, not only handsome and temperamental, but he has to play ugly and stupid for "Mr. Bean"; Chaplin's signature funny mustache, a beautiful face hidden. I have also seen a beautiful actress in a domestic comedy show wearing braces and desperately asking everyone, "Am I smiling?" "The bitterness.

Comedians are already hard, don't let them suffer from appearance anxiety again.

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